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Cam Rockford watched as Emilia walked away from him, her blonde hair glistening in the sunlight and her short shorts perfectly showing off her long, tanned legs. He couldn’t remember ever feeling that instant flare of attraction that hit him when he stepped out of the truck and saw her. And when he’d walked into the kitchen and there she was, he couldn’t believe his luck. He knew that he’d surprised her by not tripping over his tongue in her presence, because he was pretty sure she was used to calling the shots. He’d seen it flash in her eyes. He was pretty sure most guys would be reduced to a stuttering mess by her. But he also thought her big brown eyes were hiding something, some hurt, and after just three minutes alone with her, he wanted to find out what it was.

“Hey, boss,” Pete, one of his most loyal workers, approached him, a toothpick in his mouth. “You gonna stand there staring at Peggy there all day, or are you gonna get some work done?”

“I could do neither and just fire you, instead.”

Pete’s big belly laugh rang out across the front garden. “Sure you could, but then you’d be in all sorts of trouble. Oh look,” Pete broke off suddenly. “He’s going down on one knee.”

Cameron followed Pete’s gaze to the couple standing in front of the house, where Jack was kneeling in front of Mia, and watched as Mia replied with a very strong yes. He had no idea why, but his gaze sought Emilia. She’d climbed into the moving truck and hadn’t seen the action, but he saw her freeze as she stepped back out onto the lawn. Something inexplicable crossed her face, before she physically shook it off and ran towards the happy couple. Although her expression had been hard to read, it struck Cameron as…vulnerable. That was it. A little wounded.

“Well, well, well,” Pete said beside him, but Cameron decided to ignore it. He couldn’t take his eyes off Emilia. Almost as if she felt him watching her, she looked over at him and their eyes met and held. Something shifted deep inside him and even though Cam was aware of Pete standing next to him, watching him closely, he couldn’t help but feel like everything around them had disappeared. When she flashed him a sweet smile, it hit him right in the gut. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he tipped his cap to her, smiled and got back to work.

Tags: Mary Waterford Romance