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“Seems to be a day for firsts, then,” Emilia grinned up at him. “This, for example, is the first time I’ve melted a frozen pizza with my bare hand.” She brought it back to the freezer before it really did melt and went to move back outside.

“Hey, wait,” Hunky Movers grabbed her by the elbow as she walked past him. “Seriously, what’s your name?”

Emilia contemplated him before answering. He was persistent, that’s for sure. And definitely hot. The warmth of his hand on her arm sent shivers through her body. Almost against her better judgement, she said, “Emilia.”

“Hi Emilia. I’m Cameron.”

“Hi, Cameron,” she pulled her arm from his grasp. Glancing up at him, the breath stilled in her lungs. Her whole body felt trapped by his gaze. Forcing herself to breathe, she said, “So, uh, are you a Cameron or a Cam?” Lame, but it was all her muddled brain could come up with.

“Cam to my family and friends. Would it be too soon to ask you for your number?”

Emilia thought for a moment. Since her almost overwhelming impulse was to give it to him and that scared her, she said, “Yes. I don’t just give my number out to anyone. There’s a complicated selection process everyone has to go through, Cam.”

“How does that work, if you can’t be contacted?”

“Exactly,” she said as she stepped into the sunshine.

“Emilia,” he said, sounding out her name slowly, sending shivers over her skin. He was right behind her. “Just Emilia? Like Madonna and Beyoncé?”

She couldn’t help it, she threw her head back and laughed. “Emilia Beyoncé Emerson. You got me.”

“Excellent, Emilia B. I’ll let you get back to work.”

“Big of you, since you’re the one getting paid.” It was his turn to laugh as he turned and stalked back to the movers’ van. Emilia let out a steadying breath. Her body was humming from his touch, just a simple touch on her elbow. That hadn’t happened for quite some time.Or ever,she thought to herself. Trying to shake off the feeling, Emilia got back to work.

Tags: Mary Waterford Romance