Page 15 of Overcoming the Beta

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“Mmmm… smells good in h… what’s going on? What happened? Did that mother…” Dad’s voice booms behind me as he slams the door.

“Nothing dear,” mom stands, “girl chat sweety. Have a pineapple upside down cake.” Mom shoves a cupcake in dad’s face. Her back is to me, but I can tell they are mindlinking.

“I’m going on a picnic with Ian today… to talk.” I say just above a whisper with my head down.

“Oh… and the thought of that made you cry? Maybe you shouldn’t go.” Dad peels the wrapper back from the cupcake.

“No… I need to. He says he’s changed… I need to see that for myself.” I inhale sharply.

“I can just break his neck and be done with him once and for all.” Dad takes a huge bite of his cupcake.

“No, thank you. This is something that I need to do. Can’t have daddy fighting my battles for me for the rest of my life.” I smile. “I’m going to go upstairs and soak in the tub. Ian will be here in a few hours.”

“Oh, sugar, I put some bath bombs under the sink in your bathroom. I know how much you love them.” My mom sips her wine.

“Thank you, mom.” I turn and walk away. Practicing a calming technique that I’ve learned.Calming breaths.Slowly inhale, holding it for three seconds, and slowly blowing out the breath for five.

When I’m about halfway up the stairs, I hear my dad call out to me, “offer still stands.”

I don’t look back; I just wave my hand in the air.

Chapter nine

Memory Like An Elephant

**May 1999**


“Icanbaitmyown hook, Ian.” I put my hands on my hips and protest.

“Yeah, I’m sure you can, angel. I don’t mind doing it for you.” He looks up from putting the worm on my hook and flashes me the million-dollar smile that stole my heart two years ago. His smile is contagious, and I smile back, ear to ear. “There… all done.” He hands the rod and reel to me.

“Thank you, Ian.” I take the rod and reel and walk towards the area where my brother and Zane are fishing.

“Nope, angel, we’re going over there.” He points with his fishing rod, “that’s where the big fish are.”

“That’s bullshit,” Zane shouts, “fish don’t just hangout in one spot.”

“We’ll see about that,” Ian shouts back.

Ian guides me over to an area that he calls his honey hole. It’s far enough away from my brother and Zane, which is probably the best, since my presence seems to bother my brother. He says that I’m a buzz kill, but we all know it’s because the pack tramps won’t come around if I’m here. I think it’s funny watching my brother get so annoyed and then make lame excuses to sneak off into the woods. Like I can’t hear his gross grunting. I like that Ian and I are separate from the other two. They can’t hear our conversation without straining their ears. Not that we are having deep conversations or anything. I guess I just like it when it’s just me and him.Please let me be his mate.

“How come we’ve never fished here before?” I cast my line out before sitting on the soft grass.

“I discovered this spot two weeks ago, when you and your mom went shopping.” He takes his seat beside me.

“You remember I was shopping with my mom two weeks ago?” I smirk and give him an inquisitive look.

“Yeah, I have a memory like an elephant,” he taps his head. “I don’t forget the important things, angel.”

“Do elephants really have good memories, or did you make that up?” I laugh.

“Elephants have huge brains and excellent memories. They never forget things when it comes to survival or things that are important to their needs.” He leans back on his elbows, leaning into me with his legs stretched out in front of him. Our eyes meet and I’m lost in his soft brown eyes. For a moment, I feel a connection with him, and it feels like he might just kiss me.My first kiss.Then we blink and he sits up to check his line… the moment is gone.Does he feel the same as me, or did I just imagine the entire thing?

“It’s going to be weird with all three of you gone this fall.” I check my line as well, avoiding eye contact with him.

“We’ll only be three hours away. We’ll come home like every two weeks.” Ian pushes a stray hair behind my ear.

Tags: Krys Strong Paranormal