Page 47 of Tainted Wings

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I’m surprised I don’t feel jealous or upset when I see how Abby looks at another man. She looks at me just the same, with love, like we’re her whole world, like both of us together make her complete. I know Zed cares about Abby just as much as I do. And as long as he never hurts her, I’ll be proud to stand by him and share our mate.

“Zed,” Abby’s sleepy voice mumbles a half hour later. Her eyes blink open, and when they land on me, the smile on her face fills my heart. “Leo.”

“Hi, Little Bird.” Zed kisses the top of her head. “You had me worried, I almost got my pitchfork and torch.”

She huffs out a laugh and cuddles into us. “Sorry. I’m guessing Leo called you?”

“I did,” I confirm. “I knew if he found out later, it would have been worse.” I grin over at the crazy Dark Angel.

“No lie there,” Zed chuckles, brushing his lips against her forehead.

“I’m sorry I ran off,” she says, her voice quiet as her face slips.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, Starbright. I’m just glad you're okay.”

“I don’t want to go back there,” she says, her face so sad. “But I don’t want them to think they’ve won.”

“They won't win. We won't let them. Tomorrow is Friday. One more day, and then we have the weekend off,” I tell her. “We got this, me and you.”

“Spend the weekend at my place,” Zed says. “Both of you. We have the party anyway.”

“Okay,” Abby agrees, smiling up at Zed. “I’d like to officially meet your mom.”

“She would love that. But tonight, Leo is gonna bring you home and take care of you. You're gonna let him and not complain. I know you're a strong independent woman, but sometimes we just want to spoil and care for our mate. And this is going to be one of those times, understand?”

My eyes widen slightly at his demand. I look at Abby to see how she reacts, and it’s not anger. No, I can smell the lust coming off her, and it's making my cock react. My little Starbright likes to be told what to do. Well, I’ll have to keep that little bit of info in mind.

She tries not to let her lust show, rolling her eyes. “Yes, daddy,” she sasses back, but the growl of approval from Zed has Abby’s cheeks turning bright red.

“Little brats get punished,” Zed growls, and another wave of lust rolls off Abby.

“Okay,” Abby whispers, her pupils dilating as she stares at Zed with heavy need.

“Fuck!” Zed hisses before crushing his lips to Abby’s. He moans as she whimpers, and I curse as my cock strains against my zipper.Why am I so turned on from this?Oh, right, it’s what I’m born to do. In this case, I don’t exactly hate it. I find it kind of hot.

“Take her Leo. Take our mate home, because if I have to smell her sweet cunt any longer, I’ll lose my fucking mind,” Zed commands, handing Abby over, placing her onto my lap and standing up. From the tent in his pants, I can tell he’s just as affected.

“Sorry,” Abby giggles.

“Never be sorry for what you do to me, Little Bird,” Zed says, bending over to kiss the top of her head. “After you give Leo your first time, it's gonna take God himself to keep me off of you.”

Abby moans and wiggles in my lap, rubbing against my dick as she kisses Zed one last time. I bite my lip, holding back my own moan.

“Sleep tight, my love. I’ll see you tomorrow after school,” he says, cupping her face before standing again. “Take good care of our mate,” he tells me.

“I always will.” I nod, standing up with Abby still in my arms. She clings to me, tucking her face into the crook of my neck.

“I know you will. You're a good man, Leo. I’m glad our girl has you.”

“I feel the same way ‘bout you, man.” I grin at him.

“I smell a bromance forming,” Abby says with amusement.Cheeky little minx.But, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.


“I CAN WALK YOU KNOW,” I grumble at Leo as he carries me down the path to the house.

“I know,” he says. “I just like having any chance to hold you.” He grins down at me.

“But I’m all gross and covered in blood.” I cringe as I look at my ruined gym shirt.

“Really? I just see my beautiful best friend.” He shrugs.

“Smooth,” I giggle and lean up to kiss his cheek.

“I try.” He winks.

When we get to the front door, he finally sets me on my feet before heading inside. Today has been a shit show. I broke my nose, almost went full demon mode on Heather, and then I became the laughing stock of the school. Which does not help the fact that I’m already the biggest freak there.

After I flew away from school, I went straight to the gazebo, curled up into a ball, and cried myself to sleep. Waking up to both my mates there to care for me helped with the depressing mood I was in.

I still don’t feel the best, but my nose is healed, and I’ve stopped crying. Now, I just want to shower and cuddle with my best friend, forgetting about everything, even if it’s just for the night.

“You’re back.” Luke’s voice has me stopping as I reach the bottom of the stairs. Looking behind me, I see him standing there, alone.

“Yeah, I kind of live here, despite how much you all hate that fact.”

“Are you okay?” he asks, his eyes filled with actual concern. I can’t help but wonder if a skinwalker got out of Hell and took his place.

“Why the hell do you care? You're the reason why I’m in this mess in the first place,” I snap. I don’t want to even look at his stupid face. Him, Noah, or my step-brother. Plus, all their stupid little fiancées are the last people I wanna be around right now.

“Come on, Abby. Let's get you cleaned up,” Leo distracts me, grabbing my hand and tugging me towards him.

“It really was an accident,” Luke insists.

“Maybe on your end, not that I actually believe that, but not on Heather’s. My step-brother's fiancée is a crazy, jealous bitch. All of them are. Keep them away from me, and that goes for all of you too. Pretend I’m not here, and I'll do the same.”

Not giving him the chance to respond, I let Leo lead me up the stairs. He brings me down the hall to the bathroom that is meant for me.

“Sit,” Leo says as he picks me up and sits me on the sink. I watch with a small smile as my best friend, my mate, the man I love, fusses over me. He goes over to the bathtub and turns it on, letting it fill.

“Do you want one of these?” he asks, holding up a bath bomb from the basket on the shelf. “Or these things?” he asks, holding up bath salts.

“Both,” I giggle. “One will help me relax, the other just smells nice and are fun to use.”

“That looks very glittery,” he states, examining the bath bomb. “Are you gonna come out looking like a fairy?” He grins.

“Hey, fairies are amazing. I’d be lucky to be one.”

“True.” He nods, dumping the bath salts in, but placing the bath bomb next to the tub. He grabs one of the face cloths from the rack and brings it over, running it under warm water.

I let him bring it to my face and wash off the dried blood, loving the warm feeling each of his touches brings me. My eyes search his face, and I smile at the blush that creeps onto his cheeks.

“What are you looking at?” he asks, rinsing out the cloth when he’s done. The water runs a dark pink. How much blood was there?

“You,” I tell him.

“Why?” he grins, bringing the cloth back up to my nose.

“Because you're sexy,” I say, biting my lip. “And you care for me like this...”

He closes his eyes, his nostrils flaring as he breathes in my scent. I whimper as I feel him grow hard against my core, my legs wrapping around his waist.

“Abby.” My name comes out strained as his eyes flutter open.

“I want you, Leo,” I breathe, unable to deny the feeling growing in my lower belly. “I’ve wanted you for a very long time.”

“I want you too,” he groans as I grind myself against the bulge in his pants, loving the friction it causes against my clit. “So fucking much.”

“Then take me.”

He looks at me, his face all serious now. “Abby. This... it's a big deal. I don't want you to do something you're going to regret.”

I cup his face and pull him down to mine. “I would never regret anything we do together, Leo. I want you, all of you. I always will.” Brushing my lips against his, I bite his lower lip, my pussy pulsing at the needy noise he makes. His hands find my hips, and he grips me tightly as he rocks himself against me.

We get lost in our kiss. It’s filled with so much want and unsaid words.

“Wait,” he says, breathing heavily as he breaks the kiss and puts his forehead to mine. “Not right now, not like this.”

“Leo–” I go to protest, but he quickly kisses me again to shut me up.

“Clean first, then when you're done, we can go to your room. If, by the end of your bath, you still want to take things further, we can. In a bed, because we're not having our first time on a bathroom sink.”

“Fine,” I pout, loving the dark and hungry look he gives me. “But I will still want you after this.”

“Then I’ll be yours.”

With one last kiss, he pulls away from me walking to the bathroom door. My eyes follow him. Well, it’s more like they follow the cock tenting his pants.


My eyes snap up to his, and I bite the inside of my cheek. “Sorry, what?”

He grins, shaking his head. “I’ll wait for you in your room,” he repeats for me.

“Okay.” I nod, my heart beating like crazy. His nostrils flare, and I know he can smell just how much I want him.

“I love you,” he says, and I fucking melt.

“I love you, too.”

He leaves, closing the door behind him. I hop off the counter and go over to the door to lock it.

Stripping off my clothes, I toss the bloody shirt in the trash, knowing there’s no hope in saving it and slip into the hot bath.

I shut off the tap and groan as the water soaks my muscles.

Closing my eyes, I relax for a few moments before cleaning myself. I know Leo wouldn’t rush me, wanting me to enjoy my bath, but the pulsing between my legs has other plans.

Tonight, I’m going to lose my virginity to my best friend. My first mate. I’m nervous as hell, but also excited. I wouldn’t want to give this moment to anyone but him.

Tags: Alisha Williams Paranormal