Page 48 of Tainted Wings

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Chapter 17


Getting out of thebath, I miss the warm water already. Wrapping the towel around my body, I grab a smaller one and start to dry my hair. When I’m done, I look in the mirror. I’m about to have sex... for the first time.

Nerves flutter in my belly.What if I’m shit at it?

But then I think about who’s waiting for me in my room, and the butterflies turn more excited and laced with heat. Leo’s too good looking for his own good. He’s smart, sexy, caring, funny, and just all around amazing. I trust him with my life, and I know he won’t do anything to hurt me.

Grabbing the brush off the counter, I work through my wet, tangled hair. Looking around, I realize I don’t have any clothes. Glancing at myself in the mirror again, I tuck the towel tighter, making sure nothing can be seen.

I toss the small dirty towel I used for my hair in the hamper, then open the bathroom door. Turning off the lights, I look down the hall both ways, making sure no one is out there. When I see that the coast is clear, I hurry down the hall.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” a voice asks, making me halt at the top of the stairs. I look down and see Isaac standing in the shadows.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I forgot clean clothes before taking my bath, and didn’t think to ask Leo to grab me some while he waits for me in my room.”

At Leo’s name, I can see his eyes narrow in the moonlight streaming in from the window.

“What is the demon boy doing here?” he growls.

“Don’t start with that bullshit again.” I sigh, growing irritated. “I told you, he’s my friend, my mate, and this place is my home for the next little while. We’ll be upstairs and out of your way. So don’t make a big deal over nothing.”

He stays quiet for a few moments, until I start to leave. “Next time, remember clothes. I don’t need to see my step-sister walking around in practically nothing.”

“I don’t see the point in going through all the trouble to get clothes when they would just be coming off the moment I get to my room,” I say, a cocky grin finding its way onto my face. I'm not sure why I made that comment.

I try to hold back my surprise because the once relaxed lurking boy in the shadows shifts into something that startles me. His wings pop open, and he storms up the stairs, getting in my face.

He doesn’t touch me, but I can feel this electric hum between us, and that confuses me further. He’s tall, looming over me, causing me to crane my neck to see his face. His wings extend slightly, adding to his size.

“Is that what you’re about to do, Abby? You gonna go up there and fuck him?” he hisses.

He used my name. He never uses my name. “Yes,” I breathe, failing at holding my ground. My heart is beating like a drum, and it’s not out of fear. No, far from it. I’m turned on... by my fuckingstep-brother.I’m more messed up than I thought.I hate this guy. He’s the worst.

Then why am I looking up into his ocean blue eyes like I’m lost at sea?

“You’re gonna let him touch you, fuck you, claim every inch of you?” The growl in his chest has my palms sweating.


“How many guys have you let do that to you, little sister?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.


I guess that was the wrong answer because his face contorts into anger and disgust. “Go then. Go fuck your sex demon, and be the little whore you're meant to be,” he spits. “It’s all you're ever gonna be good for, Devil’s Spawn. Opening your legs like a demon whore.”

He turns around, his wings snapping back into place as he heads down the hall towards his room.

“Like you have any room to talk!” I shout back, making him pause with his hand on the doorknob.

“You’ve had girls leaving your room all summer. And I know for a fact you were playing more than board games in there,big brother.Before you go calling me a whore, go look in the fucking mirror!” I flip him off before turning and running up the stairs to my level, trying not to let his words sting. But they do.

When I get to the top, I stop, leaning against the wall next to my door. Placing my hand on my heart, I will it to calm down.What was all that? And what got him so worked up?It’s none of his business who I sleep with.

And I’m nothing like him. I’m choosing to give this to someone I love, someone I care about while he’s using a new girl every other time.

After I get a hold of myself, I go into my room, finding Leo sitting there and watching TV. He looks over at me, a smile breaking across his face, bright enough to light any dark night.

Tags: Alisha Williams Paranormal