Page 16 of Reign of Wolves

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Michael nodded, short and sharp. “I know.”

The question was left hanging in the air. I wanted to ask it, but I didn’t want to know the answer, so I waited.

Monique was the one who stepped forward and said to the warlock, “Are you coming with us?”

Michael’s face softened as he stared at her, and it was only then that I saw the true love and admiration for our mate in his eyes.

Fucking hell! Why does she have so many mates?This was not the plan at all.

Michael lifted his gaze to me. “I wasn’t sure if I was welcome.”

I cleared my throat with a rough cough. “If Monique wants you...Yeah, you can come.”

Kyle jerked a nod as well, which I appreciated. I knew he didn’t want Michael to come with us any more than I did, but what choice did we have? Plus, he might give us an advantage in all this magic bullshit.

I looked to the warlock. “I assume you can fight if you need to?”

Michael chuckled. “I’ve been in a scrap or two in my day.”

“Fine. But we need to work out exactly what we’re going to do. Leave nothing to chance.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Michael said, running his hand through his hair.

Kyle spoke up then. “Are you sure you’re gonna be okay leaving all this? Your realm. Your parents. Your magic, from what I understand. Didn’t you just get home?”

I almost laughed. If Kyle was trying to talk him out of leaving, then reminding the warlock that his parents might miss him probably wasn’t going to work. We’d literally move heaven and earth to be with Monique, and I was begrudgingly beginning to see that Michael might feel the same way.

“I did just get home, but there was a reason why I left—my parents.”

Oops. Kyle definitely chose the wrong reason to entice him to stay.

“And the reason you came home...?” Monique asked.

I groaned and glanced out the window to the serene view of trees beyond the house. I knew the answer to that. Surely, she did, too?

Don’t make the bastard say it out loud.

“You, of course,” Michael said.

Monique’s breath caught in her throat. I wanted to punch Michael in his dumb face.

Instead, I scrubbed my hands over my bristled cheeks and sighed. “Okay. So, what do we need to do to get ready for tonight?”

Michael glanced at me with raised eyebrows. “Did you guys bring anything with you?”

I shook my head. “No, not even clothes. Our car is parked at the top of a cliff, north-northeast from where Monique opened the veil and let us in.”

“Eagle Point,” Kyle added.

Michael’s nostrils flared. “I know where that is. Then it’s just Monique and me. Personally, I don’t need anything but what I have on me. All my belongings are here.”

He pulled a leather wallet out of his pocket.

I stared at it, feeling stupid. Was he serious?

“It’s expandable.” Monique gestured to Michael. “Show them.”

Michael opened the wallet, then unfolded it again. And again. It grew in width and height until it was the size of a suitcase.

Tags: Amelia Shaw Paranormal