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I ‌open my mouth, but she puts her finger on my lips.

She scoots around the booth we are sitting in and kisses my cheek.

It doesn’t escape my notice that she is doing it to distract me.

“Please, can we talk about something else? I’m away from work for a week and the last thing I want to talk about is work.”

“Ok, but before you go back home, we are coming back to this conversation.”

“Fine. Right now, I wanna have some fun.” She smiles at me.

I pick my phone up off the table and pull her closer.

“What are you doing?” She asks.

“We’re gonna show Bryan and Catherine we’re having a good time.”

I hold the phone up to us and at the last minute kiss her on the cheek as I press the button on the camera. I open the Instagram app on my phone.

#VacationVibes #catching-up @SaraRaine, I type and hit post.

“Are you crazy?” She says. “How do you know my Instagram handle?”

I smile at her. “I looked you up last night.”

“Oh,” then her cheeks redden.


“Now I want to know what you were just thinking.”

“Nothing,” she says, grabbing a hold and taking a sip of her drink.

“That is not a nothing face, Sara. I don’t know what it means, but I’m very intrigued.”

“It’s nothing, you just surprised me, is all. Didn’t think you’d think of looking me up.”

“Ok, I’ll let you have your little lie for now. It’s cute seeing you trying to hide something.”

She laughs, and it’s nice to hear.

Then both of our phones blow up with notifications.

Since they’re happening at the same time, it’s obvious it’s my IG post. I turn my phone over, so it's facing the table.

I see her keep eyeing her phone. As notifications keep flashing on her screen.

Then it rings with Catherine’s name, her picture flashing on the screen.

“If I don’t answer this, she is only going to keep calling.”

“Hi Catherine, everything ok?” she asks, her hand over her mouth, trying to stop herself from laughing.

I decide now is a good time to get my ‌phone out.

I text Bryan.

Adrien: Your fiancée is spoiling my fun.

Tags: Lisa M. Miller Romance