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TAL 12

“Are you ready?” Einar asks as he pulls his gun from the back of his jean.

“Want to get this over and done with,” I reply as I too hold my gun and hurry towards the double story warehouse we were directed to. Colborn, Dane and Ulrich are on the other entrance to the Warehouse waiting for us to breach. Einar, Tor and I are about to breach this entrance. I hope the assholes are inside because I am ready to finish what they started.

“Now!” Tor calls as he lifts his hands and rotates them before thrusting them towards the warehouse gates. Tor is the only one in the Cape Town club that can bend two elements, Fire and air. When the warehouse gates are thrust back creaking in distress, I make my way inside sensing the presence of others inside. I can hear the others breaching the building on the other side. Garth and Haldor will be on the outside in case we need assistance.

The minute I rush inside there is a big motherfucker throwing a punch, I duck and throw a punch at his stomach. He grunts but doesn’t gasp breathless as expected and instead lifts his leg and kicks me in the face which hurts like a motherfucker. “You fucking asshole, nice guy is finished,” I warn as I lift my hands twisting them in an anti-clockwise circle, I pull them towards myself just as the assholes pulls back his arm to punch me but stops as he struggles to inhale.

I don’t wait to see the asshole turning blue and falling dead, instead I look towards where Einar is fighting to my right. Tor is further ahead; I smile in amusement as he doesn’t even throw a punch as one of the enhanced assholes rushes him. Instead, he raises his arm bringing his axe up he buries it deep in the guy’s shoulder. While the guys scream in pain, Tor pulls out the axe and then hits him with the butt of the axe across the face which has him knocked out.

“Nice move,” I call as two men rush us. I am about to intercept one when I catch out the corner of my eye a movement. Glancing that way, I tense as I recognise the asshole that used to torture me when I was captured. He is once again making a run for it, a run which this time I won’t let happen. “Tor, have you got this?” I ask already hurrying after him.

“Yeah” Tor calls which has me hurry my step before the asshole can disappear.

“Hey asshole,” I call which has him glancing over his shoulder at me. I see his eyes widen before he starts running. I smile as I stop and start to bend the air around me, he wanted to know about my powers, well I will show it to him. Building the air around me I send it towards him knowing that he won’t be able to continue rushing away when the air is lifting him off the floor.

He starts to struggle and screaming, but nothing will help him now. “Well hello asshole,” I call as I continue rotating my hands lifting him off the ground higher, so he is above me.

“Put me down,” he screams which only makes me smile, I never once begged while they were torturing me. He has already started to plead, and I haven’t even started.

“Why did you kidnap me?” I ask amused at how his legs and arms are kicking uselessly in the air.

“Put me down,” he says again

“Tell me or you won’t be breathing soon.” I see his eyes fill with fear at my words, but he continues struggling uselessly. With one hand I pull the air towards me, extracting all the air from around his head. A minute later he starts to gasp, his hands lifting to his throat in desperation. “Are you going to talk?” I ask waiting for a sign from him. He starts to nod desperately, which has me pushing air back into that area.

“Why me?” I ask again starting to lose my patience, he is gasping as he gulps in much needed air. “Start talking, I am losing my patience.” I warn

“Anyone, didn’t…didn’t have to…be you.” He says

“What did you want?” I ask

“Your powers,” I knew he wanted to learn how our powers work but how do they expect to make those powers work.

“You are not going to be able to copy our powers so why the fuck do you try?” I ask in exasperation, thinking that at the end of the day they just enjoy torturing us.

“Not copy…take,” his reply has my attention. I lower my hands to stop the bending of the air around him, immediately he is falling to the ground crying in pain. Approaching him I place my foot on his throat.

“Talk,” I order, “how the fuck are you going to take my powers?”

“Still don’t know, but it’s possible.” His reply has my anger rising, these motherfuckers want to rob us of our birth right. Our powers are what we are, taking them away is killing everything that we are. Taking my foot off his throat I lean down and drag him up off the floor. “You are coming with…” I am about to drag this asshole to the club so that we can get all the answers off him when a shot rings out entering his forehead.

Letting him go I dive for cover but there is no more shooting, looking around I try to locate the shooter but there is no evidence of anyone anywhere. Where the hell did that shot come from, I look down at the asshole seeing his sightless eyes open looking up at the ceiling. Fuck, we are in trouble if they manage to extract our powers from us.

Looking around I see that the others have been killed, “did you see where that gunshot came from?” I ask looking around at the others.

“Outside,” Tor calls from where he is kicking one of the guys to make sure he is dead. “I heard the window shatter and then saw the bullet enter your guy.”

“Shit, he had information.” I reveal running my fingers through my hair angrily. “These fuckers aren’t trying to learn how our powers work, they are learning how to extract them out of us.” I see Tor’s features darken at my words his gaze sharpening on the guy on the ground dead.

“Explain” he grunts

“That’s all I know; he said the reason they had me was to learn how to extract my power from me.” I explain.

“Sons of bitches” Colborn says angrily.

“Look around, see what you can find.” Tor orders, “we need to find as much information as possible.” We all head out to try and find any scrap of info available at this place. There are a few images on a board that we take photos, there are a few notes on one of the guy’s notebooks, but otherwise it is only the laptops that we can take with us and get Celmund from Natura Valley MC to hack into and try and find anything.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal