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“Don’t worry Violet, we are here nothing will happen to him.” I am about to answer when Dag opens the door and steps inside.

“Come on babe, you have just left he is fine.” Esmeralda states as she looks up at her mate.

“Actually, I am here to give Violet the phone or Tal won’t stop calling me.” Dag says with a wink at Esmeralda as he hands me his phone.


“Are you okay?” hearing his voice has me closing my eyes, I don’t know what being mated does to us but all I know is that it calms my mind to hear his voice.

“Yes, everything is fine, why?”

“Why are you feeling anxious?” Tal asks with a concerned inflection in his voice. I am surprised that he knows how I am feeling.

“How do you know?” I ask

“I can feel what you are feeling, you will be able to do the same with me once you know what you are looking for.” I didn’t know that mates were able to do that I am surprised how connected we are. “So, what is making you feel like that?” his question has me looking at the group behind me, Siena and Freya are talking to each other, Dag and Esmeralda are doting over their son.

“I am in the room with the others looking at the little baby.” My statement has Tal silent for a minute before he answers.

“Don’t you like kids?” he asks

“I don’t know,” I say quietly, “never been around any.”

“Well sweetheart let me tell you, I think you will be a wonderful mother.” His words have my heart racing when I think of having Tal’s baby. I am about to answer when I hear someone say something to Tal. “I have to go; we will talk when I get back.”

“Be careful,” I call, but realize that he had already disconnected the call by the time I answered. Turning I stretch out my hand towards Dag. “Thank you, I’m sorry he had to phone you, but I left my phone at the apartment when I left.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he says as he takes his phone and leaves again.

“Violet,” looking at Esmeralda I tense as she holds out the baby to me. “Come on, I will be right here.” I realize that even though she was with Dag she must have heard my conversation with Tal.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” I say but my arms lift, and she is placing the little baby in my arms. The feeling of a complete innocent in my arms has my eyes fill with tears. “You are so beautiful,” I whisper and then the tear is streaking down my cheek when the baby smiles up at me. I know that he might not be smiling at me but just smiling in general, but the thought that I am holding this little miracle in my arms has something trigger in me that I have never felt before.

“Amazing,” Siena says from next to me, “isn’t it?”

“I have never held a baby before,” I whisper as not to frighten the little boy. One day I might be holding a little boy like him of my own, after yesterday’s conversation with Tal I believe that I will have a future with him, I believe that maybe I was just waiting for him.

I now believe in a future, believe that finally there is a man out there that wants me and will always be there for me.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal