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I was able to kill the fucker that tortured me, was able to acquire the reason for my capture. Even though I was hoping to end it all today, I will be able to continue my life with Violet in relative peace. We will continue searching for these assholes, stopping them before they are able to find a way of killing us. Because there will be no Elemental that will want to continue living if his power is gone.

“Let’s move out,” Tor calls an hour later after we have gone through the whole warehouse and acquired all the information that was available for us to take.

Walking out I approach Haldor that was standing outside the whole-time awaiting runners and ending their getaway. “Was there a sharpshooter outside?” I ask looking around as if I would see anything.

“No, there were a couple of runners but no sharpshooters.” I frown wondering where that fucking bullet came from.

“Where is Garth?” I ask as he was the other brother that also stayed outside to stop the runners.

“Don’t know, the last I saw he was rushing into the trees on the other side.” Haldor says pointing towards the East of the Compound.

“Let’s mount, we have been here long enough.” Tor calls as he looks around, “Who’s missing?” he asks when he realizes that we are less one.

“Garth” Haldor points out, “he went into the trees earlier and hasn’t come out yet.” Tor grunts in annoyance as he pulls out his phone and dials Garth’s number.

“Where are you, we are ready to leave.” Tor snaps, “Let it go and return now, we can come back at another time if need be.” He must have been after something going by their telephone conversation. I lean forward and start my bike, soon I will be back at the compound and close to Violet again. We will have to carry on and keep on looking behind us for awhile until we find everyone that is after us, but for today we can find peace, find happiness within each other.

When Garth is with us again, we take off towards the club, it is evident that the news about why they were trying to capture me has put a damper on everyone’s mood but as Elementals we are used to curve balls, we are used to being attacked and counteracting. We will find a way to stopping them, hopefully soon but every time we turn it feels like there are more and more of those enhanced fuckers.

The ride is long, but when we arrive, I am relieved to see Violet walking out with the other women. There is a smile on her face, a smile that immediately calms my soul and makes my lips shoot up in happiness. Violet makes me happy by just being near me, everything else is a bonus. Taking off my Helmut I place it on the handlebars before I make my way towards her. My eyes lock with hers not breaking the connection with each step I take closer to her.

“I’m glad you back.” She murmurs when I come to a stop in front of her.

“How about showing me how happy you are to see me.” Her cheeks darken with colour at my request, but she doesn’t look away. Instead, she raises her arms sliding them around my neck as she lifts her head to kiss my lips. I slide my hands around her waist lowering my arms until my hands are cupping her perfect ass. Lifting her up against me I cover her mouth with mine. Her legs wrap around my waist to secure her against me, this is the perfect welcome.

I hear the others moving into the club, most are sombre, but now I just want to enjoy this moment. Deepening the kiss, I take her lips like a desperate man needing water, my body responding to her nearness. The heat of her body encasing my body perfectly. Lifting my head, I look into her eyes seeing the passion lurking there. “I have something for you,” my words have her eyebrows raising in surprise. “Slide you hand into the inner pocket of my kutte,” she looks down at my chest, I can see the curiosity in her face as she slides her hand across my chest and into my kutte. A minute later she is pulling out her hand fisted around her gift.

“What is it?” she asks as she opens her hand, then she is gasping, a smile spreading across her face as she sees the Smokey quartz that is my birth stone. As elementals we are given two stones that are scorched by the elements until it turns into the stone of our birth. Mine is the Smokey Quartz, a beautiful quartz with shadows inside. Lowering her legs to the ground I take the stone from her hands.

“It’s the same as mine,” she nods at my words as I slide the stone around her neck I say, “I give you a part of my essence to protect and enhance your energy. By wearing this Smokey Quartz, you will always have a piece of me with you. You are now part of my blood, my soul, my very essence. I ask that you wear this always to remind you of our bond and the love that I hold for you.” A tear has escaped and is running down her cheek, a radiant smile is shining on her face.

“Thank you, Tal, it is beautiful.” She whispers, “I will treasure it always, treasure this between us always.”

Taking her lips once again in a gentle, caring kiss I seal our bond with all the emotions flowing deep within me. This is my woman, the future mother of our children, I will cherish her, love her, and always keep her close not only to keep her safe but to keep me sane.

The future will be bumpy, but together we can concur anything!


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Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal