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Waking up I realize that Tal has already left, sometime during our long marathon he told me that he had to leave early in the morning. He didn’t tell me what he was going to go do, but I have a feeling that it has something to do with the men that are after Tal. The thought that he is in danger has my stomach dipping in worry, I know that he can take care of himself, but before all the others were also around him and they still managed to take him without anyone else knowing.

I must get up or I will be stressing and being alone will make me worry more by not knowing what is happening. I will go and ask someone if they know what is happening. Hurrying through my shower I quickly dress before leaving the room and making my way out of the room and down the corridor. Before I get to the kitchen, I come face to face with Freya and Esmeralda. I met the four-woman last night, they were all friendly and made me feel comfortable.

“Violet, we were just coming to call you.” Freya says with a friendly smile.

“Good morning” I call coming to a stop before them, “did I oversleep?”

“Well, I’m sure that after the evening you had you entitled to a lie in.” I know that Esmeralda is talking about the journey and everything that happened the day before, but all I can think about is Tal’s hands on me, his lips all over my body. Tal touches me with such tenderness but at the same time such strength that I am turned on by the thought alone.

“Do you know where Tal went?” I ask and see Freya and Esmeralda look at each.

“Do you know what my gift is?” Esmeralda asks with a smile

“No,” I say not sure where this is leading but awaiting her reply.

“My senses are more in tune then other peoples.” Esmeralda says, “that means that I can taste, smell, hear very well.”

“She’s not joking, if you are standing outside talking to someone, she will be able to hear you from inside the kitchen.” I can feel my cheeks warming thinking about what Tal and I were doing the most part of the evening. Esmeralda grins before lowering her head.

“Anyway, to cut a long story short I heard the men say that they had a lead on who had taken Tal and they were going to go see if the lead was correct.” Esmeralda says

“Don’t worry though, the men will be on their guard.” Freya says as she leans forward and takes my hand. “Why don’t you come with us and see Esmeralda and Dag’s baby it’s nearly time for his feeding.” I have never been around a baby, have never even held one, but the thought of sitting in the room worrying about Tal won’t work either.

“Okay,” I say following Freya as she holds my hand tighter to guide me to Esmeralda’s room. The minute we walk in I am surprised to see Dag leaning over the cot, a soft look on his face as he looks at his son.

“Already?” Dag asks as we approach.

“I have been gone for over an hour,” Esmeralda says with a laugh in her voice, “Stop doting over your son, he’s sleeping.” I am surprised at how such a rugged bad ass looking man can look so besotted.

“Call me if you need anything, I will be in the front.” Dag says as he leans down to kiss Esmeralda tenderly on the lips. His hand stroking her cheek lovingly. I see Esmeralda’s loving look as she looks up at her man.

“Come on Violet, leave these two love birds to stare at each other it might take a while.” Freya teases as she walks towards where the baby is. I am about to lean over the cot to look at the little boy when the door opens and in walks Siena.

“Oh good, I’m not late.” She says excitedly as she ignores Dag that is on his way out and walks directly to the cot. “He looks like a real angel,” she murmurs with a loving look on her face.

“You say that every time you see him.” Esmeralda teases as she leans forward to pick up the baby from where he is laying. “Come on my little munchkin, look at all your aunties, they are all here to see you.” I swear the baby smiles when he hears his mothers voice, but he is so tiny, which is clear that he hasn’t been born long.

Esmeralda sits on a huge rocking chair, that has beautiful symbols engraved on them. I am fascinated by its beauty, looking around I see various pieces that look similar. “Impressive, isn’t it?” Siena asks with a smile.

“It’s beautiful, but so…” I frown not wanting to offend but not thinking of a word that I can explain what I am thinking.

“Big,” Esmeralda says, in a grumpy tone.

“Don’t get her started Siena,” Freya says with a laugh and then looks at me and shakes her head.

“Let’s just say that Tor went overboard when he found out that Esmeralda was expecting and started to gift them with all these amazing pieces of furniture.” Freya explains

“They’re so amazing that I can hardly walk in our room, but I will say that they are beautiful.” Esmeralda concedes.

“Can you imagine if Tor ever finds his mate and she falls pregnant,” Siena states, “there won’t be enough space in the club for all the things he will get that kid. I jump in surprise when suddenly the baby makes a gurgling sound. Looking at Freya with a worried look on my face I stare at the little baby’s face.

“Is he okay?” I ask

“Yes,” Esmeralda calls as she smiles down at her baby boy. “I will let you hold him as soon as he has finished nursing.” I take a step back at her words, there is no way I am going to hold him.

“Umm, I don’t think that is a good idea.” My stomach is knotted with fear that I might drop him.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal