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He waves his hand in dismissal as he continues, “she will love it,” he calls back, but I can hear the amusement in his voice.

“You know fucking well she won’t,” I say as I hurry after him, “Tor!” I call but he ignores me as he continues his way.

“Fuck” I better warn the others, because if Tor is talking about a Mega party, it means that he won’t hold back on anything. Before I have found it funny when we have had parties and see the shocked faces of the other women at the club, have laughed at the others that dread the parties because of their mates. Now I find myself in their shoes, now I find myself dreading having to explain to Violet why it would be better if we skipped the party and went out that day. The parties can get rowdy, different clubs are invited, there is always fighting, drugs, too much sex.

Even though we are Elementals none of the other clubs know that we are different, that is except for clubs that the members aren’t human either. The Wolverine MC have recently started to attend our parties, they have become close allies as they are strong wolf shifters that have had problems of their own that we have been able to assist with.

I suddenly smile when I think of an excuse to miss the party, the Wolverine MC have a serial killer problem that they have been combating for a long while. We have tried to find the serial killer for them previously but to no avail. Now that we have Violet, she might be able to find who the killer is by touching the different energies and seeing if there is one so dark that could only be of a killer.

I grunt, my shoulders slumping as I give up on that idea. Tor would never believe that, especially after he has just told me that the party will be in our honour. Fuck, I really hate it when Tor makes these plans that suit only him.

Making my way back to the club I mutter to myself the whole way, there must be a way of stopping Tor. Suddenly I stop, oh the clever son of a bitch. I realize that he has stopped me from worrying about Violet by giving me a problem to think about instead. A grin spreads across my face as I shake my head in amusement.

Walking into the club I make my way through the bar area to the back where the rooms are. “Looks like mated life is agreeing with you.” Ulrich calls out from where he’s sitting

“No,” I reply not slowing, “Tor has just confirmed that we are going to have a mega party at the club.”

“What?” Ulrich asks but I don’t repeat myself as I walk out of the bar and continue down the corridor to my room. I can hear Ulrich swearing to himself, which makes me chuckle. Opening the door, I walk in, stopping when I see Violet sitting up against the headboard her phone in her hands.

“Hey, you’re awake.” I say approaching the bed, she looks so beautiful with her hair flowing around her, her light eyes shining in the darkness, her perfect body encased by one of my t-shirts.

“Have I been sleeping for long?” she asks

“No, just a couple of hours, but you have had a trying day.” My words have her frowning in confusion as she looks at me.

“You weren’t sleeping,”

“I wasn’t tired,” I reply

“Your day has been just as trying, I’m sorry I fell asleep.” The look of anger on her face has me surprised

“I’m an Elemental, we have more stamina than a human. Also, I don’t want you ever to apologise for something that you want to do.” I nearly start chuckling again when she huffs and turns her nose up in rebellion. My woman has a temper on her which amuses me with her petite size.

“I was just being weak, sleeping like that. I will not do it again.” Her statement has my body tensing, what is this about?

“A person is not weak for sleeping, I would be upset if you deprived yourself of your needs because you were being stubborn.” My words have her frowning, a pensive look in her eyes. “What is this about?” my question has her lowering her eyes to her phone. Sitting on the bed I place my finger under her chin lifting her head until her eyes are locked with mine.

“I don’t want you to think that I am weak,” this again, who has made my woman think that she is weak?

“How can I ever think that you are weak?” I ask, “you saved my life.” I stroke her chin with my thumb, “I know that you exhausted yourself to stay with me when you knew that I was in pain. You can never be weak when you give all of yourself for others, when you are as selfless as you are.”

A tear streaks down her cheek, a tear that is like a knife striking my heart. I don’t like to see my woman struggling with her inner demons, I want to slash the demons and send them to hell. “Don’t cry sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

“You are going to hate me one day.” How can she think that, how can she possibly worry that I will hate her?

“I promise you Violet, it is physically impossible for an Elemental to hate his mate. The reason you are my mate is because you are my opposite. You bring me balance, and I will always respect those differences as they will teach me to calm the storm within me.

“You really think like that?” she asks a gleam of hope in her eyes.

“Yes Violet, you will be different from me but that is what I want.” Before I can continue, she is throwing herself at me. Her arms are sliding around my neck her lips are clashing with mine. I slide my arms around her waist to bring her closer, her legs open to slide around my waist. We fit together like a glove, everything about her fits in with me.

My hands run over her back, holding onto her rounded ass as I push her up against my hardness. “You are my woman, I will do everything in my power to keep you happy, to keep you safe. Promise me that from today onwards you will always tell me if anything is bothering you.” She nods her eyes filled with passion as she looks at me.

“From today onwards you will always tell me if anything is bothering you.” I pull her against me again groaning as my cock twitches in passion. My woman, my future.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal