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It has been three days since I got back, in those three days I have progressively been feeling worse as time passes. There is a deep feeling of loss within me, a loss that has every fibre in my being wanting to scream in pain. The fact that Zane left in anger and hasn’t come back in three days hasn’t helped, I need to know how Tal is doing, I tried to follow his energy without a physical trace but soon realized that I would never find him that way.

I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, all I do is sit and cry knowing that I will never see Tal again. At that thought a sob escapes, I would have thought that after three days I would have no more tears to shed, but the floodgates open again. I bring my hand up to my heart feeling as if my heart has broken, I know I’m being stupid as I didn’t even meet Tal, but the thought of not being with him has affected me like nothing else ever has.

I am startled as there is a knock at the door, it can only be Zane as I don’t have anyone else that knows where I live or anyone else that I am acquainted with. My mother never contacts me unless absolutely necessary, therefore I doubt it could ever be her. I jump up off the couch but quickly sit again as everything starts to spin, I squeeze my eyes closed until my head stops spinning. Slowly opening my eyes, I gasp in surprise when I see Zane walking towards me.

“I wish you would stop doing that” I mutter

“You were taking too long to answer,” he mutters as he approaches, I see his eyes widen in surprise when he sees me, “fuck” he grunts hurrying towards me, “are you sick?” his question has me shaking my head in answer.

“Then what the hell?” he mutters as he squats before me looking into my eyes.

“I don’t know, I can’t stop thinking about him.” His concerned features immediately change to anger at my words.

“Fuck Violet,” he rages, “how is this possible if you didn’t touch each other?” he jumps up from his squat to start pacing. He had mentioned before that when Elementals touch their mates for the first time a connection is built between them that no one can break. The problem is that if Elemental couples are apart for too long, they start to have withdrawal symptoms. I remember him saying that it has happened many times before that when one dies the other quickly follows as they can’t live without each other.

“I touched his energy, maybe that’s what triggered this.” I whisper slumping back on the couch feeling more depressed than I ever thought possible.

“You think!” Zane says sarcastically

“It will be fine,” I say trying to appease his anger

“No Violet” he states in anger, “this is not going to be fine.” He throws his hands up in rage as he shakes his head. “Don’t you understand that unless you bond with Tal these feelings of absolute loss you are feeling are only going to get worse?”

“I can’t Zane,” I reply as I close my eyes exhausted.

“Yes, you fucking well can,” he roars which has me opening my eyes again. “You are not the only one feeling this you know; Tal will be feeling the same loss as you.” His statement has my heart thunder in answer, no, I don’t want Tal to suffer because of me.

“You are lying.” I say, but I know he’s not as Zane has never lied to me and I know that he wouldn’t about something so important.

“Enough of this, I’m going to call Tal.” He states pulling out his phone.

“Zane!” I plead but he shakes his head as he brings his phone to his ear.

“Dag, I’m going to give you Violet’s address let Tal know.” I hear Zane say, he listens to something that Dag is saying and then nods. “Fine, I’ll wait here.”

“He’s going to hate me.” I whisper, especially now that I have made him feel as deprived as I do.

“Stop the pity party Violet, no one is going to hate you.” Zane grunts as he walks towards the window to look out. “Why don’t you go and have a shower,” he suggests as he looks over his shoulder, “it will make you feel better.”

“I don’t feel like it,” I mutter, I don’t feel like anything, I know I should try to kick this depression, but I just can’t get the energy to get up and do the bare minimum.

“Well, if I was you, I would make an effort as you are about to see Tal for the first time.” Zane says in a sarcastic tone.

“Maybe he won’t come.” I state, hoping against hope that I’m wrong and that he’s not that angry with me.

“Violet” Zane calls which has me looking up from where I was looking at a stain on the floor to his face, “he’s already here in the city looking for you, so if you don’t want him to see you like that I would hurry up.” His reply has my hands trembling and my breath catching as I jump up from the couch.

“Here?” I ask breathlessly

“Yes, he should be here shortly.” I don’t wait to hear anything else as I quickly turn and hurry towards my room and a very needed shower. How will it be seeing him in person? Will he be upset with me for running away from him? I am still fearful of what will happen in the future with Tal, I know that he will eventually see through me and find me lacking. I know if that happens it will destroy me, the very idea of disappointing someone again the same way I disappointed my family and Nathan has my eyes filling with tears again.

“Please…please let everything work out.” I whisper as the water rushes over my body, I don’t know if it’s the idea of seeing Tal or the shower buy, I’m feeling reinvigorated already. Stepping out of the shower I hurry to dress, pulling on a pair of jeans and a burgundy t-shirt, I don’t bother with shoes when I hear voices.

Bringing my hand to my chest I take in a deep breath trying to quieten the thunder of my heart in my ears. I am about to meet the man which is going to change my life in every way. I have always been someone that refused to be drawn into other people’s dreams. I have tried to live my own dreams by riding a motorcycle, finding a job which I felt like I was doing something to help others. Living a life as I felt like at the time.

I take a step towards the voices and stop as I hear a voice that I know without seeing is Tal. The timbre of his voice is deep and soothing, there is a quality to it that touches me in a way that has the pain, the sadness in me vanishes. Feeling as if something has been unlocked within me, I take another step forward, and then another until I have suddenly hurried into the sitting room. I stop when I reach the door, four men are standing there all facing each other.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal