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One is Zane, the other I know to be Garth, the other one I don’t know his name, and then my eyes clash with a brewing grey storm. Tal is staring at me, his eyes are the most beautiful grey, the colour of the sky just before a storm.

“Violet” Zane calls from where he’s standing. “I believe you have met your visitors” his statement has me nodding without breaking contact with Tal.

“Hello” I whisper, my mouth is feeling like sandpaper.

“Violet” Tal calls taking a step closer to me, everything about him is perfect. His hair is such a dark brown that it looks nearly black, his skin is tanned, and his body is muscular. He has such a rugged look that I know every woman he meets will want to know him better.

A flash of jealousy rushes through me at the thought of any other woman touching Tal. “Tal” his name comes out on a whisper, just calling his name out loud feels liberating.

“Are you okay?” there is concern in his voice as he takes another step closer. His cheek is unshaven, his eyes shadowed with worry. I nod not wanting to raise concern by telling him that everything in me is trembling in excitement, in fear. I’m concerned that he won’t like what he sees that he will bond with me because I’m his mate but deep down he doesn’t want to.

“Zane said that you didn’t want to be my mate,” his words have my heard jump in fear that if I say yes, he will turn and leave, that I will be left alone. “Do you still feel like that?” I see pain flicker in his eyes, a pain that is of my doing, a pain that I have inflicted on him and me with my fear. I will never be good enough for him, I am already hurting him, and we haven’t even bonded.

“It’s complicated!” I say feeling my legs tremble, if I don’t sit down soon, I am going to fall flat on my face. Tal is shaking his head at my reply taking another step closer, he is now in reaching distance to me, if he lifted his hand, I would be able to feel his touch for the very first time. Feel the warmth of his skin as he strokes my flesh. I bring my thoughts to a sudden stop feeling my cheeks warm with embarrassment at my thoughts.

“No sweet cheeks it’s not,” Tal states, “you either want to be with me or you don’t”

I look around at the other men that are tentatively listening to our conversation, my embarrassment deepening as I feel uncomfortable having to tell Tal my reasons for not mating with him in front of his MC brothers.

“Why don’t we give these two some privacy,” Zane suddenly says which has my head snapping towards where he is standing, he has always had my back, and that goes for now too. I am grateful to him for so much, and in his debt for so many things that he has helped me with throughout the years, but most importantly I am blessed for having him as a friend. I tense when I hear a growl close to me, glancing quickly to my right I see Tal glaring at Zane, a scowl on his handsome face, his body vibrating with anger. What could possibly have upset him, one minute he was talking to me in a calm, controlled manner and the next he is ready to pounce on Zane.

“Yeah, I think you are right.” Garth says as he turns to make his way towards the door, “it’s time to give these two some space.” From the corner of my eye, I see Zane showing Tal the finger as he slowly makes his way towards the entrance. I don’t understand where the animosity has come from, Zane told me when we went to look for Tal that he was one of the few men at the MC that he didn’t have a problem with, but now they are both glaring at each other.

“I will be right outside if you need me.” Zane says as he looks at me.

“She won’t, now let’s go!” One of the men standing closer to the door calls.

“Fuck off Colborn, I wasn’t asking you.” Zane mutters as he strides past him.

“Bite me” Colborn replies following him and closing the door behind them.

I can feel Tal’s energy seething from where I’m standing, his anger is palpable. “Why are you so angry?” I ask unsure of what just happened that ignited this situation.

“What kind of relationship do you have with Zane?” I am surprised at his sudden question instead of the answer I was expecting, and then I suddenly understand why Tal is so angry at Zane. Is Tal jealous of Zane, does he think that the two of us have an amorous relationship?

“Zane is my best friend, when I most needed help Zane was there for me.” No matter how upsetting my relationship with Zane might be, Tal needs to understand that no matter what I won’t betray Zane by cutting of our relationship. I am faithful to those that are true to me, and Zane has been by my side no matter what.

Tal grunts at my reply but doesn’t question me any further on the topic which I am pleased about, I still feel anger running just under the surface, but his appearance is now calm. “You haven’t answered my question, I know that Zane has told you about the Elementals. Therefore, you know that you are my mate, the only woman for me.” He sighs as he takes another step forward, “When I first felt your presence, I thought those motherfuckers were playing games with me, but then the calmness that you brought me, a feeling of all powerful when I was anything but had me obsessing with what could possibly be doing that to me.”

He raises his hand to touch my cheek, my breath catches, but before he touches me, he drops his hand again. When they came to get me out of there and I was told that you were the one that found me I knew that I had to speak to you, had to see you.”

“I’m sorry!” I whisper, knowing that I caused him more pain then necessary. He quickly shakes his head as he continues.

“I just want to know why did you run? I know that you felt the same unique explosion as I did.”

“I was afraid,” the truth will be a disappointment for him, to know that his mate is a coward. I should try and explain but the truth is that I’m afraid. I’m afraid that he will also leave me after knowing what a coward I am.

“Are you still afraid?” his eyes have softened and are looking at me with such tenderness that I feel like weeping at the pain I have made him go through.

“Yes,” I reply honestly. I want our relationship to always be as honest as possible. He needs to know from the beginning that I’m not the warrior that he might be expecting. When Zane spoke of the other women that are part of the MC, the women that have mated with the other MC brothers I am envious. They all sound amazing, they have all been through so much and have always stood by their men. All I did was run away at the first opportunity, before I even because his woman.

“Are you afraid that me being an Elemental will somehow hurt you?”

“No, not at all.” I reply not wanting him to blame himself for my cowardice. “You won’t want me to be your mate once you get to know me.” I confess lowering my eyes

“Why?” there is surprise in his voice at my confession.

“I’m not the type of woman that an Elemental…” my voice breaks but I take in a deep breath and continue. After everything he has gone through because of me he deserves the whole truth. “Will want to be with.”

“You seem perfect to me” his voice is low and gravely; his statement has my eyes raising to his again. I see the truth in his face.

“And that’s the problem, you already thinking me perfect when I am so far from being perfect.” My words have his hands raising and resting low on his waist.

“I don’t know what Zane told you about mates, but when an Elemental finds his mate, the woman that will brighten his life. That woman is his other half, the piece of him that has been missing in his life, the part that will balance him out and he will do the same for her.” He takes the last step towards me and is now standing right in front of me, his scent wafts to me, a scent of leather and something woody that calls to me.

This time when he raises his hand, he doesn’t lower it without touching my face. His palm cups my cheek as he looks deep into my eyes. “Don’t be afraid of this, of me.” He says and then everything stills as he lowers his head, his lips touch mine, first gentle and caring and then they become more demanding as we both forget the time and place and get carried away by each other’s presence.

I don’t know how long we stand like this, Tal’s hand cupping my cheek as he kisses me. I have been kissed many times before, but never have I felt this complete feeling of rightness. I don’t know if it’s because I know that I am Tal’s mate, the one and only female that he will ever be able to have children with. The one woman who will bring Tal the peace that all the Elementals crave. My head starts to spin, my heart feels like it is pounding in my head. I open my eyes and break the kiss, looking up at Tal I see a smile spread across his face before everything starts to spin.

Darn, I don’t want this to happen now when we were just getting to know each other. I see his smile turn to a look of concern as he realizes that I might not be feeling as great as he obviously is. I fight the darkness that is starting to pull me down, fight the loud pounding in my head, but eventually it is stronger than me and I am dragged into oblivion.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal