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“Give me his fucking number, I’ll make him tell me.” I growl in anger; how dare he try to keep me away from Violet. I don’t care if he’s and Elemental, if he stands in my way, I will destroy him.

“Tal you know Zane, don’t go there with guns blazing because he will become stubborn, and we will never get anything out of him. Rather take a tactical route and speak to his honour.” I know that Dag has a point, but at the moment I’m not feeling very tactical, instead I’m feeling murderous at the fact that he won’t give me the information I need.

“Phone him.” I state in an angry voice which has Dag shaking his head in surrender.

After dialling a number, he passes me the phone, it rings three times before Zane picks up. “I hope this isn’t going to become a norm. First, I don’t hear from anyone in years, now suddenly I’m being called every day.”

“Zane,” I snap which has him stop his rant. “I need to see Violet.”

“I already told Dag; Violet doesn’t want to see you.” Zane says conversationally, his sarcastic tone now gone.

“How the fuck do you know, did you ask her.” I inquire

“Yes” that surprises me, I thought he had decided without asking her.


I hear Zane sigh before he replies, “listen Tal I’m just the messenger here, she says she doesn’t want to see you, I comply with her wishes.” I squeeze my eyes shut in anger, I want to shout but I know that if I start doing that, he will most likely disconnect the call and then I lose this lead.

“Why wouldn’t she want to meet me if she hasn’t ever seen me?” I ask trying to make sense of her denial to see me.

“You know why, for the same reason that you want to see her.” My heart seems to stop at his words, is it true? Is Zane telling me that what I suspect is true?

“She’s, my mate?” the words come out in a whisper of confusion.

“Yeah, and I’m sorry but there is nothing I can do.” His confirmation has my body feel like every drop of blood has drained out of me.

“How do you know; how does she?” I ask in confusion, because I’m still trying to understand these unknown feelings that are assaulting me but how would she know if she’s not Elemental.

“I had told Violet a lot about the Elementals, one of the things was our difficulty in finding a mate as we only have one and how it affects us.” I can hear him taking a breath before he continues, “when she found you, she noticed how your energy changed and entwined with hers, she knew it was different because of how she reacted to your energy too.”

“If she knows everything about us, and she realizes that she’s my mate then why is she running away from this?” I ask trying to make sense of what is happening. Never in a million years did I imagine that one day if I was lucky enough to find my mate that she wouldn’t want anything to do with me.

“It’s complicated.” Zane replies which have me scowling

“Is she with someone?” I don’t care if she is because I will kill the motherfucker

“No,” Zane replies which has me expel a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding.

“Then how the fuck can it be complicated?” I growl in anger.

“Look Tal, I know this isn’t ideal and I would help you if I could, but Violet told me she doesn’t want this therefore I will respect her wishes and I would hope that you do too, or you will have me to reckon with.”

“You s…” I start to say but Zane has disconnected the call which has me pulling my arm back to throw the phone when Dag suddenly holds my arm with his hands to stop me.

“If you don’t mind, I need that.” He says in a bored tone which brings me to my senses.

“Fuck,” I grunt as I return the phone to him, “she doesn’t want to see me, even though she knows that I’m her mate.” I have never been rejected by a woman before, to be rejected by my own mate is heart wrenching. Knowing what she knows, how can she refuse to even speak to me. Zane says its complicated, but she’s not in a relationship so how can it be complicated?

“He told me that if I go after her that I will have him to contend with, why the fuck would he be agreeing to her wishes if he knows how it is with us?” I state not understanding Zane’s decision. I know that since he was kicked out of the MC that he has had a bone to pick with most of the men, but I was never one of them, him standing against me to support Violet’s decision is unacceptable. What kind of relationship does he have with her that he will go against one of his own kind to please her?

“Zane confirmed that she’s your mate?” Tor asks from behind me, turning I see him a few steps down the corridor.

“Yeah” I confirm

“Why is it that he always manages to destabilize things?” Tor states as he shakes his head talking about Zane, “I know where he’s based, we will find your woman and then you can resolve this issue.” Knowing that Tor has Zane’s whereabouts calms me somewhat, even though I know that going by what Zane just told me he won’t give me Violet’s whereabouts out of his own free will, but maybe we can find it some other way. Knowing the city where she lives is already a step closer to what I have had until now.

“Hey bro, I got this for you.” Glancing towards where Asger is approaching I frown as he hands me a piece of paper. “Made a printout of your woman when she first arrived, you can see the recording when you ready. You did say that you didn’t even know what she looks like.” I look down at the paper, I swear my hand is trembling.

“She rides!” I state in surprise seeing Violet siting on a bike, sunglasses obscuring her eyes. Her hair is long and flowing around her shoulders, her body encased in a leather jacket. Fuck, she’s sexy and especially sitting on the bike like that, a clear indication that she can handle it.

“Thanks” I completely forgot about the cameras we have outside, this gives me an idea of what my woman looks like. A couple of weeks ago I was oblivious to the change that was about to happen in my life. When I was held hostage, I thought everything had come to an end, and then I felt her presence for the first time, a presence that touched my very soul.

I know what Zane said, I know that she doesn’t want to see me, that she doesn’t want to be my mate. Maybe she’s afraid, maybe she just doesn’t want a man in her life, whatever it is I will find out for myself because already I feel such a wrenching pain in the centre of my chest that no matter what he says or she thinks, I need to speak to her and understand.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal