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They aren’t telling me something, Ulrich told me that he would be back today, but it’s nearly midnight and the men aren’t back. I can’t stop thinking about him, I never thought that I could miss someone the way I am missing him. Draco and his men left today with my fast-becoming friends, I thought that I would be okay as I am busy trying to find a link between the ships and the kidnapped women, but I’m not.

I can’t concentrate. Every time I looked at the laptop all I saw was Ulrich’s face, so I switched off the laptop and came up to try and sleep but that too is not cooperating with me. I punch my pillow again and turn on my back. It looks like it is going to be one long night.

I was excited for Ulrich to come home as I found something that might help us with who it is that is behind the shipping. I didn’t want to tell anyone until I told Ulrich. I haven’t known him long but I would have thought that he would have phoned when he knew that he wasn’t going to make it home when he said he was. That is one of the reasons why I think there is something that the men aren’t saying. When I ask if they know when the others are coming, they become evasive saying that something came up.

“Aargh,” I grunt as I punch the pillow again before sitting up. I’m not going to get any sleep, that is obvious, I might as well go downstairs and make myself something to drink. At least now I know that I won’t run into any of the Blossoms as Andy and Camille left today. In a sense I felt bad as this was their home, at least it had been for a while, but Dag says that they will be fine where they are going as it is another Chapter of the Elementals and they aren’t actually throwing them out.

Making my way downstairs quietly I head towards the kitchen, I don’t switch on the light as I head towards the fridge. “Can’t sleep?” I jump in fright, snapping around I see Haldor leaning against one of the counters with a bowl in his hand.

“Oh, my word, you just took ten years out of my life,” I mutter as I can still feel my heart racing in fright.

“That only works if you’re fully human,” he quips as he lifts a spoon to his mouth, only now do I realize that he’s eating ice-cream.

“I am fully human,” I state with a frown.

“No, you were fully human,” he states with a wink. In the darkness it is difficult to see his features clearly therefore I can’t tell if he’s teasing me or being serious. “Now you are part Elemental, which will take away the worry of dying young.”

“How old are you?” I ask, I am still reluctant to believe that they have lived for centuries.

“Three hundred and seventy-seven years.” I gasp. “Looking good for my age don’t you think?” he teases.

“That’s an understatement,” I state, which has him grinning, “does that mean that I can live as long as that?”

“Sweetheart you are Ulrich’s mate, that means that however many more years he lives you will be right there besides him living them with him.” He raises his hand towards me. “So, why can’t you sleep?” at his question I grunt in annoyance.

“Don’t know,” I mutter, I’m not going to tell him that I can’t sleep because I’m missing Ulrich, that’s just lame. Turning once again towards the fridge, I open the door and pull out the orange juice.

“I’ll tell you what, if he’s not here by tomorrow afternoon I will take you to him.” My eyes snap up to his as I tense. Can he somehow also read my mind? The Elemental’s apparently can bend their specific elements, they are also superior in other faculties than humans. Maybe they can read my mind and all along I have been an open book to everyone.

“Can you read my mind?” At my question he grins.

“No sweetheart, would be interesting though to be able to do that.” I frown at his reply,

“So, what element do you bend?” I ask as I take a sip of my juice.

“The best one, of course,” he quips as he places his bowl on the counter next to him and crosses his muscular arms across his chest, “Earth.” I don’t want to burst his bubble, but I for one don’t think earth is the best element.

“Why didn’t you go with the others yesterday?” I ask, trying to figure out where they went.

“We take turns staying home, when they come back then it’s our turn, but we are going to be away for a couple of days as we have a security gig to an actress.”

“What? Are you guys like bodyguards or something?” That is something I didn’t expect a motorcycle club to do, especially when it came to the rich and famous.


“Is that what the others are also doing, security?” I ask and see him raise a brow before he nods.

“You could say so.”

“Why are they taking longer, what happened?” I see him tense at my question and know that he is going to try and get out of answering. “I know you guys are keeping something from me, just tell me.”

Haldor grunts as he raises his hand to his jaw and rubs his stubble there. “They ran into an unforeseeable delay, but they are working on getting here as soon as possible.” Again, that doesn’t tell me what that delay was. “But as I said earlier, if they are not here by tomorrow afternoon then I will take you to Ulrich.”


“Now, it looks like you’re not tired do you want to go for a walk or do you want to watch a movie?” I frown, why would he be so nice and try to keep me entertained?

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal