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“That’s nice of you, but you don’t need to worry I will just sit here for a while and I’m sure I will be tired soon.” Before I have finished speaking, he is already shaking his head.

“You’re going to be missing Ulrich, I doubt you will be sleeping.” I tense, it’s one thing me thinking about Ulrich but for one of the others to know that I am pining for him is something altogether. I know that what I feel for Ulrich is too strong to be a normal infatuation, but I would rather the others don’t know, because if they go and tell Ulrich the man will be impossible. “If it makes you feel any better, Ulrich will be missing you just as much.” His statement has me confused.

“What do you mean?”

“Mates can’t be apart from each other for very long, they start missing each other to the point of mental and physical pain.” Well damn, they could have said something before.

“Aargh, let him just get home,” I mutter angrily. How dare he stay away when he knows what can happen?!

“Don’t blame him sweetheart, him not being here is out of his control at the moment.” I raise a brow as I lift my hand and point a finger at him.

“You know why he isn’t here, so tell me already.” I can see that he is reluctant to tell me why the men haven’t arrived back but that is just too bad because knowing that this can become a mental and physical strain, I will insist on knowing.

“Ulrich has been arrested.” I gasp at his statement; I should have expected something like this knowing how unruly Ulrich is, but it is the last thing that I thought had happened.

“For how long, and why?”

“He shouldn’t be there much longer, they are trying to get him out as we speak but it didn’t help that the guy he punched nearly killed me awhile back, Tor is out for his blood, therefore trying to get the bastard to dismiss the charges when Tor is just waiting to pounce on him has been tricky.”

“Oh, were you hurt?” I look over his body but, in this light, can’t see anything that might depict an injury.

“He shot me in the shoulder,” he raises one of his shoulders as he speaks, which leads me to believe that it must have been that one. I know that these men live by another code, but when I hear how easily this man talks about being shot and Ulrich being arrested, I wonder what I have got myself into.

I might be feisty and to a point don’t take nonsense from anyone, but I have never been one to break the law or to retaliate physically when upset, but since meeting Ulrich it seems that unknowingly I have started to adapt to the Elemental’s way of being, when I think of the way I tried to freeze Ulrich’s mouth it shows me that I am capable of the same anger, the same retaliation that these men are.

When looking at Haldor I see a hard man, a handsome exterior but a world of hurt that he tries to hide behind a smooth smile. I am touched with him trying to keep me occupied, Ulrich told me that his brothers would always look out for me when he was gone, and I guess this is one way that Haldor is doing it.

“Let’s watch a movie,” I murmur which earns me a smile as he inclines his head towards the corridor.

“Follow me.” I don’t know how long we sit in the entertainment room which I hadn’t seen before but it seems like these bikers like their movies and games, they have a theatre with a screen that covers the whole wall, reclining chairs to sit and watch movies. They even have a popcorn machine which I found funny when Haldor got all excited to make me popcorn, but in the end he’s the one that ate a bowl full of popcorn with chocolate raisins in it.

Halfway through the second movie Dag joined us which was entertaining as he comments throughout the whole movie like a little boy. We are now on our third movie and both men are sleeping in their recliners while I sit here looking at the screen but not really paying attention to the movie. It is touching to have such strong naughty looking men worried about me and going out of their way to make sure that I am fine.

I have never had people looking after me like I have had since I came here. When I first met these men, they had me in awe how so many handsome strong men stood together as brothers, I know they can be deadly but what I don’t think many can tell is how caring and soft-hearted they can also be.

Ulrich took a lot away from me the moment he touched me, but he has given me so much more. The women that have fast become friends, their friendly and trusting disposition bringing me into their fold, making me one of them. I have never felt part of a group and always been a loner, but with them I felt a part of something. These men making me laugh even though my mind is filled with thoughts of Ulrich and my heart is heavy, their bantering between the two heart-warming as I saw the true caring between the two men.

I know that I have to go back home, I can’t just leave everything the way that I did. I have an apartment that I need to decide what I am going to do with it, I have my job which I have dedicated many hours of my life and which now after everything that has happened I see a side to it that I never saw before. I know that I can help by continuing with my work, but I know that I won’t be able to do it in my current position. Mr. Smith will have to make it without me, but I would love to be able to carry on this drive to stop the trafficking of women, children through the different shipping venues and if I can do that with my experience then I will give it my all like I have always done at work.

I spoke to my parents earlier on, told them about the MC and how well everyone was treating me, I haven’t told them about Ulrich yet as they will be worried that I am throwing myself at someone because of the trauma that I have just gone through but I will tell them soon. I did tell them that I met other women that had similar gifts to what I have which they were surprised to hear but overjoyed to know that I have found others which I can share that part of myself with.

I know that they have always worried about me, that they have always tried to protect me from that part of myself overcompensating in other things so that I felt normal. The problem is that I never did, until now, now I feel normal, I feel like the reason why I am the way I am will be revealed in the near future and it is for a higher purpose. After hearing from the other women on all their gifts and what they have been able to do with them because of the support they have of their men and the others around them has given me strength to look at myself and see how I can help others around me with what I can do.

I jump in surprise as Haldor sits up, his head turning towards the door, Dag’s eyes are also open but he is still leaning back in his relaxed pose but I can see by his tensed muscles that he isn’t relaxed. “What’s wrong?” I ask, my arms wrapped around my waist as my stomach feels knotted.

“Looks like they are back,” Haldor says after a minute as his eyes turn to me and he smiles. At first, I just look at him not sure what he means, but then I am jumping out of my chair and running out. This is an unknown future for me but it is a future that I am excited to embark on, a future that might bring me heartache but after what I have encountered in these last couple of days, it is a future that will bring people into my life that are genuine and caring. Most importantly it will bring a stubborn, unconventional, rough man into my life, but it is a man that makes me feel like no one else has ever made me feel. A man that has my heart singing with the thought of him alone, a man that makes me feel more alive than anything I have ever felt before, and he may be a caveman but he is my caveman.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Elemental's CT MC Paranormal