Page 52 of Obsession

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“Oh, get off it, Kay.” Margot grinned and leaned closer. “Let’s hear all about it, and don’t you dare leave out one tiny detail!”

* * *

It was after eight when Kaylie finally parked in her own garage. She and Margot had gone out for Chinese food, and after Kaylie had told Margot everything about her stay with Zane—well, almost everything—she’d returned to the city. Margot would never understand leaving a man after making love to him, and Kaylie wasn’t sure she did herself.

She noticed Zane immediately. Leaning against his Jeep, his arms crossed over his chest, he was waiting for her, and from the looks of him, had been for some time.

“What’re you doing here?” she demanded, ignoring the tug on her heart at the sight of him.

“Waiting for you.”


“I just wanted to know how things went today at the station.”

“Sure.” She didn’t believe him for a minute. He didn’t give a damn about her job. “What is it you really want, Zane?”

“You did go to see Margot, didn’t you?”

“How’d you know that?” Kaylie cried, and then a fresh sense of betrayal washed over her. “No, don’t tell me, my sister called you!”

“The minute you left her house.”

“Why?” Kaylie whispered, wanting to throttle her meddling sister.

“She’s a romantic,” Zane said, cutting her off. “She seems to think we’re destined to be together.” He started forward, advancing on her, and Kaylie didn’t know whether to throw her arms around him or run for cover. Instead she unlocked the door. “Why did she call you?”

“She seems to think there’s still a chance for us.”

Oh, Margot, how could you? “She didn’t hear our argument this afternoon.”

“Look, Kaylie, I’m sorry,” he said suddenly. “I went off the deep end today at the office. I said some things I didn’t mean, and I…I don’t want to leave it like that.”

“I don’t think there’s any other way.”

“Sure there is,” he cajoled, cocking his head toward his Jeep. “How about a drive?”

She laughed. “We tried that once before,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m not going to make the same mistake twice.”

With a flip of the wrist, he tossed her the keys. “You drive. I’ll let you take me anywhere you want to go.”

Her fingers surrounded the cold bits of steel.

“Come on, Kaylie. It’ll be fun.”

“No tricks?” she asked.

He lifted one hand. “On my honor.”

“Now we are in trouble,” she said, but couldn’t resist. “I must be out of my mind. We’ll take my car. That way there’s no mix-up with the keys. You seem to have a problem with that.” He laughed and caught the keys she tossed back to him.

She climbed behind the wheel of her rented Mustang, and Zane folded himself into the passenger seat. “Anywhere I want to go?” she repeated, ramming the car into gear.


From the minute the car’s wheels hit the pavement, she knew where she’d take him—a remote stretch of beach that she’d discovered on the other side of the peninsula.

Zane didn’t say a word as she parked the car near the sea. He’d driven to her apartment on impulse, unable to let her go. Now, as she tucked her keys in her pocket, he knew he’d made the right decision.

Tags: Lisa Jackson Thriller