Page 53 of Obsession

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The night-darkened ocean stretched for miles, disappearing into an inky horizon. Kaylie climbed out of the car. Rushing off the ocean, a breeze danced through the beach grass and trees, swirling and rustling leaves overhead. A pale moon, guarded by flimsy clouds, offered soft illumination and cast Kaylie’s blond hair in silver light.

The scent of the sea mingled with Kaylie’s perfume as they walked toward the frothy waves. They passed a few people, an elderly couple walking their dog and a group of teenagers bopping to the music cast from their radios.

As they neared the surf, Kaylie kicked off her sandals, cast an impish glance in his direction and taunted, “Bet you can’t catch me.”

Then she took off. Bare feet pounding on the sand, she laughed and headed for the pounding surf.

Zane grinned at the chance of a challenge. He struggled out of his shoes and socks, and though she had a huge head start, tore off after her, determined to catch her as he watched the wind stream through her hair and heard the soft tinkle of her laughter over the roar of the surf.

“You’d better run, Melville,” he yelled, exhilarated as the distance between them shortened.

Kaylie felt the wet sand beneath her feet, smelled the briny scent of the sea and heard the slap of Zane’s feet against wet sand as he shortened the distance between them. His breathing was loud, his footsteps pounding a quick, even rhythm.

Don’t let him catch you, she thought, wondering why she’d started this stupid game. She should have known that Zane would rise to the challenge!

Hazarding one glance over her shoulder, she saw him bearing down on her. In the moonlight his features appeared more harsh, and the gleam in his eye made her already thudding heart slam against her ribs. She pushed herself farther, the air burning in her lungs, her legs beginning to protest. Several large rocks loomed ahead. If she could just make it past them….

With a laugh, he caught up to her, grabbed her around the waist and spun her around, toppling them both in one quick movement.

He landed on the wet sand with one shoulder and dragged her on top of him, twining his fingers through her hair. He kissed her lightly on the lips. “Did you really think you could outrun me?”

“I hoped.”

“Foolish girl.”

“Woman,” she corrected, and he laughed again, his teeth flashing white in the black night. Screened by the boulders from the rest of the beach, they were aware only of each other and the night surrounding them.

“Woman,” he replied just before his lips claimed hers in a kiss as wild as the violent sea. Kaylie could do nothing but kiss him back as he shifted, rolling over so that he was above her.

Any thoughts of denial receded with the tide, and she wound her arms around his neck and curved her body to his. Why was it always like this with him? she wondered as his mouth moved from hers. Softly he kissed her eyes and cheeks before his lips returned to the corner of her mouth again and his tongue delved and tasted, rimming her parted lips and touching her teeth.

Vaguely she was aware of the foam that touched her bare legs and toes, the cool sea against her skin. They were alone on this part of the beach, hidden by the rocks and the blackness of the night, as if they were the only two people on earth.

She shivered, but not from the water, as he slowly discovered the hem of her cotton sweater and his fingertips brushed the bare skin of her abdomen. His weight pinned her to the sand while his lips and tongue explored her

mouth and neck, playing havoc with her senses.

Moaning softly, she kissed him back, her fingers coiling in the thick hair at his nape, her body arching to his. She didn’t stop him when he lifted her sweater and dampened the lacy edge of her bra with his lips. Nor did she protest when his tongue dipped beneath the delicate fabric, gently prodding and wetting the edge of her nipple until her breast swelled and ached.

“Tell me you want me,” he persuaded. His breath whispered across the wet lace, tantalizing her with its warmth.

“I—I want you.”

“Forever?” he questioned, and in the moonlight she saw one of his dark brows cock.

He’s playing with me, she realized, but couldn’t control her body as he bent over her breast again and began, through the now-wet fabric, to suckle, gently tugging at her nipple with his teeth and lips. “Hmm, Kaylie?” he said huskily. “Forever?”

“Y-yes,” she whispered, a familiar ache beginning to burn deep and hot.

He groaned and rubbed against her, suckling and petting, his breath hot and wet, his body lean and hard. She felt the grit of sand against her bare back, but she didn’t care.

He shoved her strap over her shoulder, and her breast spilled out of her bra, translucent and veined in the moon glow, her nipple dark and standing proudly erect.

“You are beautiful,” he murmured, reverently touching the hard bud before laving it again with his wet, hot mouth.

Kaylie closed her eyes and cradled his head against her, wanting more, feeling the hot ache of a void only he could fill. Anxiously she moved against him, and her fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. With a growl, he ripped the offensive garment off, then returned his attention to her pants. Groaning, he yanked her skirt away and kicked off his trousers.

“Love me, Kaylie,” he whispered, his hands on her shoulders, his gaze delving deep into hers and burning with a primal fire.

Tags: Lisa Jackson Thriller