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“Good luck,” I call out after him. “I’ll be watching.”

* * *

“Reeve asked me to give you this,” Alex says, setting a paper carton down on the table in front of me. Despite popping another prescription pill just before lunch, I’m doubled over with stomach cramps. It’s the same every month when I get my period. Some months, I have to actually stay in bed because the pain is so freaking bad I can’t function. Mom took me to see her ob-gyn, and she said there is nothing wrong. Unfortunately, I’m just one of the female population who struggles with chronic period pain.

I pop the lid on the carton, unable to contain my smile, as I inhale the chicken noodle soup.

“Thank you.” Alex must have gone to my favorite deli to pick up Reeve’s order, and I’m grateful.

“You’re welcome. Reeve says I’m to watch you eat every bit.” His eyes lower to the tray of uneaten food in front of me.

Normally, I love the food in the cafeteria. Our private school employs highly skilled chefs to create a variety of balanced healthy meals, and the options are diverse and always delicious. But I struggle to stomach any food the first couple of days of my period. Reeve and I usually ditch the cafeteria those days to go to the deli by ourselves. I was tempted to go alone today, just to avoid the gossip, but I don’t have my car. Audrey would have come with, but I figure it’s best to just get it over and done with.

Anyone that wasn’t aware Reeve has landed a career-making role is now in the know, thanks to the press conference that aired a half hour ago. It’s all anyone is watching on their phones, and if I have to listen to one more comment about how beautiful Saffron Roberts is and how gorgeous Reeve and Saffron look together, Iwillpunch someone.

Nate opens his mouth—to spout some stupid crap, no doubt—and I slap my hand over his lips, silencing him. I cannot deal with his crap today of all days. “Nope.” I level him with a dark look. “I do not want to hear any shit from you today. Not unless you want to be bitch slapped and kneed in the balls.”

Alex chuckles, and I shriek when Nate licks my palm.

“Eww.” Whipping my hand back, I wipe it down the front of my jeans. “That was gross.”

“Is it wrong that your little threats turn me the fuck on?” Nate asks, winking as he brings a bottle of water to his lips.

I roll my eyes, biting the inside of my cheek as pain slices across my lower belly. I wince, rubbing my stomach as I look wistfully at my soup. I’m not sure I can even stomach soup today.

“Want me to rub that for you?” Nate asks, leaning in closer and pinning me with a suggestive look.

“Not if you want to keep your head on your shoulders,” Alex coolly replies. “Don’t think you can hit on Viv just because Reeve will be leaving in a few months. I’ve already told him I’ve got his back.”

Audrey rolls her eyes and shakes her head. We share a “boys are ridiculous” look. I don’t know whether I should be insulted or pleased. “I don’t need a babysitter,” I mumble, dunking a spoon in the soup.

“And it’s not like Reeve has anything to worry about,” Audrey cryptically adds, as I sip my soup contemplating the same thing.

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance