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“Feeling better?” Audrey asks, as we dance in front of the fire. Butthead may be a butthead, but he sure knows how to throw a proper beach party. It helps that this strip of beach is private and his palatial home is behind us. It means we have access to toilets and chilled drinks, and the line of chimineas spread out on the sand was kindly supplied by his parents so we don’t freeze our asses off.

“Much,” I agree, shimmying my hips to the pulsing beats pounding from the freestanding speakers. “I just need to get out of my head. This is such an amazing opportunity for Reeve, and I’ve got to quit the jealous girlfriend routine.”

“It’s human to be jealous. All week, I’ve been imagining what it would be like if it was me and Alex, and I wouldn’t like it one little bit.”

We bump hips, and I throw my hands around her neck, smacking a kiss to her cheek. “I don’t like it either, but this is going to be Reeve’s life, and I have to deal. He’s my one true love, and I’m his, and no one or nothing can ever change that.”

Whoops and hollers ring out, and I whip my head around in the direction of the guys. They’re sitting on fold-up chairs around a fire, drinking beers and laughing over something on Nate’s cell phone.

Audrey loops her arm through mine. “C’mon. Let’s find out what’s so entertaining.”

We amble to the guys, stumbling a little and giggling. I’ve lost count of how many vodka shots I’ve downed, but I feel carefree and happy, so I don’t care, even if I will have the mother of all hangovers tomorrow. Reeve reaches his arms out, pulling me down onto his lap, and I go willingly, draping myself around him and pressing my face to his neck. I inhale deeply, comforted by the minty, citrusy scent of his cologne. Brushing my lips against his neck, I silently rejoice when he shivers and his dick hardens under my ass.

“Give me that,” Audrey says, and I tilt my head, watching her swipe the cell from Zeke as I press feather-soft kisses against Reeve’s neck. “What the actual fuck?” she shouts, glaring briefly at Reeve and then Alex. She throws the cell at Zeke before jabbing her finger in Alex’s chest. “You better not have been looking at those photos.”

Alex shrugs, sliding his arm around the back of his girlfriend’s waist. Audrey shoves his arm away. “Babe, relax. It’s no different than watching porn, and you already know I do that.”

“It is fucking different when you’re ogling naked pictures of Saffron Roberts.”

Reeve’s body stiffens as I lift my head. “Wait. What?”

She sends me a sympathetic look. “They are nudes that were released last year when news of her affair hit the headlines. Apparently, one of her exes took them and cashed in on her popularity.”

What an asshole thing to do. For a brief second, I feel sorry for her until my jealousy rears its ugly head again. Grabbing Reeve’s face, I tilt his chin up so he’s looking at me. “Did you look at those photos?”

“No.” He vigorously shakes his head. “And I told them it was a bad idea.”

“You would say that,” Nate cuts in, his tone scoffing. “You’ll get to see her goods in the flesh. You should look at the pics so you can tell us whether she looks better in real life,” he adds, cupping his groin, “because I’ve got to tell you, my cock is dying to slide between those monster tits and fuck the shit out of them.”

Audrey pours her beer over Nate’s head, and I could kiss my bestie. I’m a generous C-cup, and I’ve never felt like I’m lacking in the boob department, but there is no way you would refer to my breasts as monster tits, and I hate how Nate’s words have me feeling a little inadequate.

“What the fuck?” Nate hops up, mopping the beer on his face with the edge of his shirt as he shoots daggers at my friend.

“You deserve that and more,” Audrey retorts, looking and sounding completely unapologetic.

“Viv.” Reeve’s fingers gently grasp my chin as he reclaims my attention. “Ignore them. They’re being idiots.” He brushes his lips against mine. “I didn’t look at them because I’ve no desire to see. You’re the only naked woman starring in my dreams.”

But for how long?

* * *

“Baby.” His breath fans across my overheated cheeks, rousing me from sleep. Reeve dusts light kisses all over my face as I yawn, rubbing sleep from my eyes as I sit up in my dark bedroom, pressing my back against the headboard. Pain flares, and cramps twist my belly into knots. I whimper, brushing matted strands of my brown hair off my sweat-slickened brow, as I bend over.

“Here,” he says, lifting my tank and pressing the warm heated pad to my lower stomach.

“Why are you here?” I ask over a groan. “Has the press conference been canceled?”

He switches on my bedside lamp, and I squint as my eyes adjust to the light. “No, it’s still early, but I wanted to stop by and make sure you were okay first.” He hands me a glass of water and drops a prescription pill into my palm.

“Fuck, I love you.” I pop the pill, and swallow it with water. “Does every boyfriend keep track of his girlfriend’s cycle, or are you a god among men?” I tease.

He puffs out his chest, grinning. “Pretty sure I’m a god among men, but I try to be modest.”

I fling my arms around him, squeezing him tight. “Thank you. I love you so fucking much.”

“Love you too, babe.” He pulls back the covers, gesturing at me to lie down. “Now, go back to sleep. You have another hour before you have to get up. Get Max to drive you to school, and I’ll be back in time to collect you.” Max is my family’s driver, and he usually ferries me around if Reeve isn’t available. However, I’ve been trying to drive myself more places since getting my license last year.

Snuggling down under the comforter, I keep the heated pad against my cramping stomach. Reeve tucks me in before kissing me softly on the lips. “See you later.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance