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Peeking over at me, Kendall suggested, “Nah, that’ll forever be a part of our story.”

Our story.

Because we’d, one day, have a story to tell.

Meaning he, like me, already saw a future for us?

Recognizing how far I’d gone in my head, I chose to bypass his statement completely when I said to the group, “We should eat.”

“Wait. Let’s take these shots first,” Gianna suggested, already making herself busy distributing them to the people who were within reach. But when she started to bring two our way, Kendall held up his hand to say, “None for me. Thanks, though.”

“You a Mormon or somethin’, bro?” Donatello asked, the random assumption making Kendall chuckle a little as he shook his head.

“Nah, I just choose not to partake during the season.”

That was all Donatello needed to hear to decide, “I’ll double up in your honor then, big homie.” And he was already reaching for the extra shot until his sister knocked his hand away saying, “Nuh-uh. If anything, that’s mine.”

“Hater,” Donatello grunted while Gianna stuck her tongue out at him, the two of them giving true sibling vibes that Penelope interrupted with a very important question.

“What are we toasting to?”

“To friendships,” I blurted. “Old and new.”

“I like that,” Kendall chimed in with a grin. And even though he wasn’t drinking, his cosign still made me feel good as I clinked glasses with my friends and then tossed the shot back with ease before Kendall leaned in to ask, “You mind if I use your bathroom real quick?”

While biting into my lime, I pointed and answered, “Down that hall, first door on the left.” And after a dimpled grin to say thanks, he was already taking off while everybody else made themselves busy grabbing dishes and silverware.

“Damn. I guess it’s a solo,“Jesus wept”kinda night,” I teased as I watched them all begin to load their plates up with food before we could even say grace.

Honestly, it was a welcomed sight since I very much enjoyed watching people eat the things that I’d made. But knowing this would be Kendall’s first time indulging lowkey had me feeling anxious for his return until Penelope interrupted my thoughts with a quiet, “My bad, girl.”

“Ain’t you baptized? That’s good enough, right?” Donatello asked, the fact that he was deadass serious making me snort a laugh.

“I’m sorry,what?”

“You being blessed automatically means the food is too,” he insisted. “Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, Kiki.”

“Amen,” Zara and Gianna said in unison, making me giggle even harder as I groaned, “Y’all are awful.”

“More like efficient,” Zara suggested with a grin that had me shaking my head as I finally got around to making my own plate just as Kendall returned from the bathroom. And after seeing what we all were already doing, he didn’t hesitate to jump in while I carried my plate over to the table where Penelope, Zara, and Gianna were already sitting.

My ass had literally just hit the chair when Penelope asked, “Okay, am I trippin’? Or is Snoop even finer in person than he looks online?”

While Zara nodded to agree, Gianna commented, “You know niggas don’t always know how to take the best pictures of themselves.”

“And if they do, it’s because they practice. And who wants a nigga that spends his time practicing his selfie angles?”

The disgusted look on Zara’s face after she’d asked that question made it hard for me not to giggle as I responded, “Sounds judgy, yet feels extremely valid.”

With a shrug, Zara dug into her food and Penelope did the same while Gianna leaned my way to privately comment, “I’m surprised you’re not in there making his plate.”

“I was tempted,” I admitted as I glanced back towards the kitchen where Kendall, Amari, and Donatello still were, the three of them caught in the middle of a conversation that was apparently interesting enough to slow them down while also being adorable enough for me to tease, “Look at the way he’s already getting along with your man, though.”

“Hopefully he likes the next one just as much,” Gianna replied, the comment making me turn back her way and snap, “Don’t be like that.”

“Summer flings are called what they’re called for a reason, Kiki,” Gianna argued, grabbing her fork as she added, “There’s literally a built-in expiration date.”

“But you and I both know Amari is tryna make it last foreverrr,” I sang, giving my best Keith Sweat impression that only made Gianna roll her eyes as she took a bite of her food.

Tags: Alexandra Warren Houston Skyhawks Romance