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When I realized the person was only using my driveway to turn around, I honestly felt a little relieved.

Not that there was anything wrong with a Kia Soul.

But as a six-foot-three quarterback in the NFL, it just didn’t seem like the right fit for someone like Kendall.

Or hell, considering how humble he acts, maybe it’s the perfect fit.

Instead of giving it too much thought, I decided to make my way back to the kitchen where I found Gianna pouring shots of tequila, Zara cutting limes, and Penelope babysitting Donatello.

Of course, he wasn’t actually a baby or even a minor for that matter. But him being a few years younger than the group of us who were all in our late twenties automatically made him a baby in our heads even though that never seemed to deter him from shooting his shot with his sister’s friends over and over again.

By the looks of things, he’d already set his sights on Penelope for the evening. And I could only assume that was because Zara had already dogged him and because he knew not to try me.

Or rather, he’dstoppedtrying me right after I got with Enzo Shaw.

Cocky ass, toxic ass Enzo Shaw.

We’d technically only dated for a few months. But considering how much he’d put me through during that short period of time,how much we’d put each other through during that time, it felt like a lot longer, just the memory of our relationship making me shake my head as the doorbell rang again.

Naturally, the sound of it made me perk up. But this time, I wasn’t as giddy as I’d been when I’d first gone to answer it, thoughts of Enzo lowkey making me not even want to get my hopes up about another football player as I pulled the door open andsaw… someone else not named Kendall.

Like she already knew who it was going to be, Gianna popped up out of nowhere to greet her summer boo thang with a smitten grin and a warm, “Hey you. Come on in. I was just pouring up tequila shots.” Then she waited for him to step inside before asking, “You remember Kiki, right?”

“Of course,” Amari responded, turning my way to say, “Appreciate the invite.”

“Any time,” I told him with a nod as Gianna started pulling him towards the kitchen while I moved to shut the door. But I stopped short of actually doing so once I saw another car pulling into the driveway.

A matte black Range Rover, to be exact.

“That’s more like it,”I thought as I watched Kendall park his whip, shut off the engine and then hop out. And with every step he took towards my entryway, my heart started beating a little faster, the fact that he was looking good as fuck in an outfit that matched his truck making me wish I would’ve made this a private affair once he greeted me from afar with a smirk and a casual, “Whassup, Shaky?”

“Now you and I both know you were supposed to leave that God-awful nickname wherever you found it,” I replied with a grin of my own as he pulled me into a hug like we’d done it a million times. But in reality, it was our first, the feel of his muscular body wrapped tightly around mine making me swoon as he brought his lips near my ear and groaned, “You smell good.”

Honestly, if I wasn’t still in his arms, I might’ve been on the ground, his words making my knees buckle a little even as I replied, “Don’t try and change the subject.” And when he responded with a warm chuckle, that didn’t exactly help my cause, forcing me to swallow hard before I told him, “But for the record, so do you.”

“Thank you,Shakira.”

“Here he goes saying my name like that again,”I thought as I extracted myself from his hold and smirked. “That’s better. Now come on so I can introduce you to some people.”

After closing the door behind him, we made our way towards the kitchen that noticeably got a little quieter the second we stepped in. But instead of letting it stay like that, Kendall took it upon himself to say, “What’s good, everybody? I’m Snoop.”

There was a chorus of warm responses before I went around to facilitate more individualized introductions that started with Penelope and Donatello.

Penny was sweet as always. But when Donatello dapped Kendall up, he had this strange look on his face that honestly had me a little concerned until he said, “This might sound kinda weird. But you smell good as hell, bro.”

“Appreciate that, man,” Kendall chuckled. “If I knew what the scent was called, I’d tell you. But it was a gift from my sister.”

Nearby, Zara skeptically grunted, “From your sister, huh? Yeah, aight.”

Instead of acknowledging her slick comment with words, I did it with fierce eyes that made her giggle as she wiped her lime-juice-covered hand on a towel and said, “I’m Zara.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Zara,” Kendall replied before we moved on to the last two. And because they looked so cute and coupled up, I was happy to introduce them as a pair when I pointed across the kitchen island and said, “Then that’s Gianna and her boo, Amari.”

“Good to meet you, bro,” Amari responded with a nod while Gianna jokingly said, “Nice to see you again, Snoop.”

Squinting a little, Kendall asked, “That was you who was with her at Franklin’s that night, right?” And before Gianna could give an answer other than the nod she was already responding with, I interjected, “Can we not revisit that right now, please? Orlike… ever, for that matter?”

Tags: Alexandra Warren Houston Skyhawks Romance