Page 2 of Edith's Orc

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Closing my eyes, I block out the strange large space, breathing deep. The smell of dust fills my senses, and as I exhale, I let my entire body settle onto the hard packed dirt beneath me.

The circular stone artifact is the only major find so far in this area, although they’ve just begun. Since it was just discovered in the last year, the two women were just approved by the Puebloan Council to begin a preliminary investigation of this new area.

Incredibly, a similar vision to the brief one I had yesterday evening forms in my mind’s eye. A native woman wearing a long buckskin dress with dark hair to her knees stands in front of the portal. Opening her arms wide, she reaches up on her tiptoes, tracing the top of the stone with her fingers.

The portal changes. The surface morphs into a molten silver surface before two figures materialize on the other side. Just like Alexa described.

Another world appears to be behind them. Moving closer, the two women step over the threshold to meet with the woman here on this side.

There’s bowing, and indistinct murmurs I don’t understand. The language itself isn’t comprehensible, but my inner knowledge translates. They’re meeting for a treaty.

The Three Kingdoms Treaty.

The vision fast forwards with many people coming and going. Back and forth through the portal.

Each time, the women slide their hands into the right opening on the side of the portal. Only a few of the times, I realize they’re closing it as they go. When they remove their hand, they have a ring of shimmering silver decorating their finger.

It’s a key of some kind!

I watch in fascination, my steady breathing keeping me focused. It’s fascinating.

There are streams of people now, coming in and out as they carry goods and food. The large chamber behind me is sometimes filled—packed, really, with bodies all chattering and visiting.

I’m not sure how long the vision is. But when things slow, the original woman in the ornately decorated buckskin turns to speak with someone, and it looks like she’s focusing on me. Only she doesn’t speak.

Instead, I float forward, sliding into where she’s standing and suddenly, I understand it all. Not perfectly, but enough to know the portal ties to others. Other worlds.

My hand flickers over the now clean surface. The ornate dials, entrusted with sand before, are now perfectly clean. They move easily under my fingers, twisting to settings, colored in green, blue and purple.

It’s like calling someone. We’re calling another world.

Just under the dials is a hole, and when my hand slides inside, my fingers separate, moving into individual spaces like a tight glove. Knowledge flows to me, pulsing up my arm as the device vibrates the surrounding energy.

By putting my hand inside, I’ve signaled that I intend to travel to the world dialed and confine the visit to just me. I wince, trying to pull my hand out as a sharp pain tightens around my middle finger. But it’s too late!

There’s a sucking sensation spreading over my body, and when I open my eyes, I realize I’m standing in front of the swirling surface of the portal. A myriad of colors twist and vibrate in front of me as the pull intensifies. Opening my mouth to scream, the sound cuts off as I tumble forward, sucked into the rainbow of light.

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal