Page 1 of Edith's Orc

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Chapter One

“Shewasontheother side.” Alexa pauses, her blonde hair fluttering around her face as she whips her head around. I watch as the colors of her aura flow around her hands while she communicates with American Sign Language. “At least... she was when I looked up.”

Tears well up in her eyes again. The poor thing. She’s been crying on and off since we arrived at the archeological dig last night.

When Nako Tsethlakai called for my help, I thought she had some new Pueblo Council bullshit to run by me. Even though it’s been three years since they voted me out, not all the councilors consider me a traitor. I’d no idea the bias against newcomers ran so deep.

I’m relieved that Nako and I have remained close friends. I love her daughter as if she was my own, and couldn’t bear to have lost her trust.

“I think I understand.” My signing is way slower, but Alexa doesn’t complain as I sign while I talk, although she hears me just fine. Like any language, it’s always good to practice.

Alexa nods, digging through her bag for another tissue. “You were in the hole there.”

I point to a spot approximately thirty feet away from the large circular ruin on the wall. “When you looked up, she was already inside this ring?”

Even though I’ve already asked some of these questions before, it’s important to confirm her story doesn’t change. When Nako and I drove the four hours from my home yesterday, that was one of the main things she emphasized. Finding out the truth no matter what it is.

I eye the blonde slip of a woman. She’s thin and small-boned. Tiny. Not what you’d consider a killer or anything.

Besides, all I have to do is watch her speak. Even if the communication is done with her hands. The aura floating around her gloved hands is blue. A delicate light peaceful blue which in my experience is a sure sign she’s being honest.

“Yes.” Alexa tucks her tissue into her front pocket before continuing to sign. “And she was probably a good ten feet inside the circular artifact and facing the other way. There was no way for me to even get her attention...” Alexa looks over at Nako for more reassurance. “... you know. Since I can’t yell. But... I don’t think sound carried through the... portal.”

“Portal?” I gesture to the large ruin on the wall that shimmers with an incredible white glow. Not to anyone else, of course. But I have to admit, I’ve never seen an object with the same foggy appearance.

“That’s what I’ve been thinking of it as. A portal. It was definitely another world.”

“You really think so?” I won’t admit I agree at this point, but I believe her. I told Nako as much last night after the exhausted girl fell to sleep.

Nako feels responsible for Alexa’s current fatigue, but the poor thing was too terrified to come back into the ruins and even check to see if Emma was really gone after she initially ran out. We arrived about twenty-four hours later, but she had to stay a night trapped here alone. And she looks it.

Alexa shifts from one foot to the other. “I know I sound crazy. That this is farfetched. But I’m telling you... Emma’s in there.” She slaps the hard stone in the middle of the ruin, stirring the foggy haze with her blue energy.

We all turn and study the circular ruin on the wall. The ring stands out from the stone surface approximately six inches, but it looks like it belongs. Like it’s just another piece of stone, carved into the surface in relief. If I couldn’t see the white mist dancing around it, I might not believe her.

Nako’s face is totally blank. Her deep blue aura is barely moving. It’s as calm as the older woman’s emotions.

“I believe you, Alexa.” My hands have barely stopped moving when she throws herself into my arms, squeezing me around the waist tightly as she breaks into sobs.

Damn.Despite falling asleep early last night, she’s still a wreck.

“Of course we believe you, honey.” Nako’s hand rubs up and down her back, and Alexa turns, loosening her grip on me to embrace Nako next. “We will find her. We’ll figure this out.”

I just nod over Alexa’s head as Nako stares at me pointedly. I know what she wants. After all, it’s why she brought me here.

I see auras. I have visions.

Despite the fact that most people don’t even know those thingsspecifically,everyone knows I get premonitions. Idoknow things without being told. And I definitely haven’t kept that a secret.

I thought that was why the Pueblo Council had invited me to join in my mid-twenties, and not just because my mother held a seat until she passed. She named me Edith, which means brings blessings or riches. I can’t say I’ve had either happen in my life yet.

Settling into a crossed legged position in front of the stone ring, I remove my right glove, tossing it to the side. “Are you two okay with me touching this with my fingers?”

I sense the impulse for Alexa to say no, but Nako assures me. “You can touch it with your entirely naked body for all I care. Just find Emma.”

Smiling tightly, I yank off the other glove and stick them both under my knees, relaxing as I reach out and run my fingertips along the bottom of the circular stone. Here at the base, there’s a lip or step into the stone. The wall inside the circle has a rough sandpaper texture compared to the perfectly smooth surface of the ornate artifact.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” I joke. It’s cooler in this subterranean chamber than I expected, since outdoors is baking hot.

Tags: Jade Price Paranormal