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“I’ve heard rumors of a prophecy. But I’m not unmated. I have a mate; she’s just not old enough to feel the bond.”

“Still unmated, my friend. You’ve not consummated the bond with her. So, she and you are still unmated. This prophecy may not be world-changing, or it might be. No one knows but the Moon Goddess herself. But I was instructed to come to this band of wolves to find you and help you along in your journey. If you are too proud to take help or want to wallow in self-pity, then I will take my leave right here.” Fin glared at me, and I realized what he said was true.

That for the past few weeks, I had been too proud to ask for help, and I had made myself believe the pack didn’t need me and Sawyer would keep Amora from me. Sawyer never once treated me like that, and deep down, I understood he would have my back as I would have his.

I glanced back to Fin and nodded. Even if it killed me, I would take back my pack and make Amora my Luna. “Fine, let’s get started.”

Training with the pack of wolves the Moon Goddess sent to me proved to be complicated. I learned that Fin had been an Alpha to a pack that long ago was ripped apart, and he, like myself, was kept alive and roamed the territories as a rogue. Until the Goddess came to him, telling him to find Olli.

Olli and Markus had been exiled by their previous Alpha for not condoning certain things. But they both taught me that no matter what, as long as you keep your emotions away during a fight, anyone can overcome anyone.

Hannah and Harley were twins, they were the youngest among us, but what they lacked in strength and knowledge, they made up in speed. They were almost as fast as an alpha, which stumped me. Their wolves even looked alike; the only way to tell them apart was they were male and female.

Between all of them, I started to learn more than what I had known before. Since they were rogue, after all, they taught me a completely different fighting style. Something I had never seen before, but I learned it, and I learned it well.

“You are learning fast, Nolen!” Hannah flipped out of my way as I tried to catch her to pin her, getting close each time but not being quick enough to grab her.

“Apparently not, since I still cannot catch you.” I turned to keep her in my sight, which proved just as hard as keeping up with her.

“No one has ever caught me but my brother.” She stayed just shy of my grasp, laughing as she did. “Anyway, I guess we can quit. It’s about time for dinner.”

I nodded and stretched out my muscles while we walked back to the cave we now resided in. The burning wood and cooking meat wafted over to us. Hannah skipped beside me as we went through the underbrush.

Entering the cave, the other four wolves glanced up before nodding to us and continuing with what they were doing. I sat down and leaned up against the cavern wall, sniffing myself; the odor permeating from my body smelled more like a dead skunk. You are starting to smell worse than me. Sarge shook his head, his tongue lolling as if he was laughing at me.

Sure. I rolled my eyes at him as he rolled over onto his back. He had been carefree ever since we started training with this group of wolves.

Harley brought over a bowl of meat and vegetables and handed it to me as he took the other to his sister. “Thanks.” He nodded to me and went back to the fire to sit down. I dug into the food, feeling quite hungry after training with Hannah.

Olli came over and sat beside me, eating his food as well. We ate in silence while the others talked about the day. Fin flirted with Hannah as her brother kept giving them both an evil glance. He was protective of her, just like Sawyer was of Amora.

“Are you more confident now?” I turned my gaze to Olli, taking him in for a moment. He didn’t meet my gaze, and pulling my eyes from him, I glanced down to my almost empty bowl. The steam had started to fade as the food cooled.

“Yes. I still have not caught either of the twins, though,” I admitted, scooping up food with the spoon that I was using.

“I don’t believe anyone would be able to catch those two.” He chuckled as he placed his bowl in front of him.

I nodded. I could probably train for years with them and still not be able to keep up with or catch those two. Finishing off my food, I stood, stretching the muscles I had previously used, and exited the cave. Strolling down to the creek, I used the water to rinse out the food particles from the bowl and spoon.

Plopping down on the bank, I glanced up at the half-moon that sat in the sky. In seven days, it would be a new moon, signaling a time of renewal. I prayed to the Moon Goddess that I would soon be ready to go back to take my pack from Alpha Wade.

We will get our pack back. Don’t worry about that, Nolen. Sarge was content as he laid his massive head on his front paws.

I’d like to believe that, Sarge. I really would. I continued to sit there watching the sky, wondering if Amora had even thought about me. Shaking my head to keep myself from going down the road I knew would bring me a lot of pain, a shooting star flashed by in the sky. Smiling, I closed my eyes. I will become strong enough to take my pack back and make Amora my Luna. That I promise you.

Standing up, I grabbed my bowl and spoon, heading back into the cave to sleep for the night. The others had started pulling out sleeping bags and settling in. Going to the back of the cave, I stripped down, allowing Sarge to take over.

I stayed warmer in his form than I did sleeping in one of those bags. Not that I got cold easily, but it was still better than being in human form. This way, I could still keep an eye out for other wolves that we didn’t know.

We laid near the front of the cave entrance, curled in on ourselves. Sarge’s ears swiveled, listening to the night creatures who came out at night. The sweet songs of the crickets helped us fall fast asleep.

Movement in front of us caught our attention. Opening our eyes, we kept still as we lay on the ground waiting for the sound to come again or to be able to see the person or thing making the noise.

It was still dark out as our eyes started to adjust to the dimly lit cave. We stayed still, trying to find what had woken us up. Hearing the sound again, this time out of the cave, we got up.

Stalking to the cavern entrance, we turned to glance back at the sleeping forms of the others. Deciding that it would be best to let them sleep, we continued forward. Outside the cave, we stopped, listening for more movement, before seeing a light in one of the bushes.

Staying low, we made our way to the last place the small light had been. Approaching the undergrowth, it was no longer there. Turning around, we searched with our eyes and ears.

Tags: C.L. Ledford Paranormal