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The slivery white light flickered to my left. Sniffing the air, I made sure nothing else had been hiding in the darkness. We trotted to where the light flickered before it vanished and appeared again further down the trail. This is getting annoying! Irritation came through my aura as we yet again had to detour to follow the light.

Stepping out of the underbrush, we glanced around. Making sure no one else had followed us or waited for us. The light was nowhere in sight, which made me even more annoyed than following it all this way.

We were about to turn back around when the light flickered again in the middle of the field. The half-moon shone its silvery light upon the person that now stood in front of us. The silvery-haired lady softly motioned me forward. Who is that, Sarge?

Sarge ignored me and started to crawl up to the beautiful woman in the crystal dress. She smiled as Sarge whimpered at her.

“You took your time getting to me, Nolen.”

Chapter Eighteen: Safe Houses and Answers


I don’t know how long I lay in the field that held his scent from all those months ago. But I’d been here for quite some time. Opening my eyes, I glanced around, seeing my surroundings in golds, yellows, and blues as I adjusted to my new vision.

Making myself stand, I realized I was on four legs instead of two. Glancing down at myself, the color of my legs was grey. Trotting forward to the lake that sat in the middle of the clearing, I gazed at myself; my coat was grey with a black underbelly.

Tilting my head from side to side, I stood by the lake, amazed at my wolf. I’m glad that you love me already. We have so much time to become acquainted!

Oh, my Goddess! This isn’t a dream! You are real!

My wolf lolled her tongue, basically laughing at me. Of course, I’m real. Why wouldn’t I be, and I would never laugh at you, just with you, sweet one.

Oh, right, I turned eighteen last night. And our mate wasn’t at the party. I still don’t know who he is or which pack he is from.

It’s okay. We will find them. For right now, you need to eat. You haven’t eaten in a while.

Okay, then let’s head up to the packhouse. We made our way back up to the packhouse. I figured someone would have been trying to find me since I had been gone the whole night.

A scent caught our attention, and I couldn’t place it.

Crouching low, we crawled on our belly to the edge of the forest. Sniffing around us, I realized it was the Dolostone pack. I stayed in the undergrowth as I watched them stroll right up to the packhouse.

My brother came out of the building, Danika at his side. The old Alpha of the Dolostone pack went to Sawyer. “It’s time for you to step down. Otherwise, we will take your pack by force!”

“You don’t have the strength to take my pack. Step foot on my territory again without asking me, and you will experience the Quartzite pack wrath.” My brother stood taller, Beta Adam by his side and Delta Eric on the other.

“You young wolves think that because I’m old that I will be easily defeated. Your ally alpha of the Rhyolite pack thought he was better than me too. His death excited me, and now I have two packs, which doubles yours.” The old wolf sneered at my brother, and my heart became stuck in my throat.

“Leave my pack now! When you step back on it, make sure you bring both those packs, because you will need them.” I glimpsed the hurt and anger on his face as he stared down at the old wolf.

“Very well.”

Staying in my hiding place until all the wolves were gone, I tried to mind link my brother. I pushed hard against his mind until he lashed out, but surprisingly, I didn’t cower, though he was my alpha. I still had alpha blood as well.

“What!” He turned in my direction when I stood from my hiding place. His eyes widened in shock when he realized who I was. He ran to me; my wolf stood still as he circled her. “Mom and dad told me I couldn’t come to find you. That I needed to let you grieve how you wanted. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

It’s okay. I really needed to step away from everyone. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I spoke to him through our mind link since my wolf still had control.

“Good. I need you in the packhouse now. I’m sure we will be attacked any day. Alpha Wade will be back, and he will come with what he promised. But we must be ready.” We walked back to the packhouse. I was almost as tall as Sawyer in wolf form. But I knew that he would be bigger as his wolf.

Danika brought me a blanket and let me shift back to human form, the biggest smile on her face as she pulled me into a hug. I pulled away from her and smiled. “Come on, let’s go inside, so Sawyer doesn’t have an aneurysm.”

Danika laughed, and we all made our way into the house. Excusing myself, I went up to my room so that I could get dressed. A few of the older wolves bared their necks to me, which had never happened before. You have me now. They have to because we are alpha by blood.

I realize that. I’m worried about the Alpha of Rhyolite pack, Nolen? I hope what that other alpha said is not true.

No reason to worry about that alpha.

Tags: C.L. Ledford Paranormal