Page 8 of Fat Omega

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Sean: can get you more but from the looks of things, ur around a lot of hot stuff right now… thats gonna set u off…drugs aren’t perfect u no. can’t promise anything.

Me: Do you have something stronger? Like something that could actually numb me out? Stop the heat completely?

As I bite my nails and watch the three dots move across my phone screen, I wonder what I’ll do if Sean says no. If my heat starts in earnest while I’m this close to Reese… I don’t know what will happen. I haven’t seen him in years, but I’ve kept tabs on him, talking to people at the prison, slipping people money to make him more comfortable. I’ve been trying to get him out for ages, but no one believed it when I recanted.

I think, honestly, no one wants to believe that a feral alpha from the wrong side of the tracks could have been innocent.

Last time I saw him, I hadn’t revealed yet… and now… Maybe I should just tell him the truth when I see him; after all, there’s nothing wrong with being an omega…

But omegas are weak. Sensitive. That’s what I’ve been taught from birth. If I tell him, or if my scent reveals itself to him, he’ll hate me even more than he already does. A male omega. Pathetic.

But what if he wants you? A little voice in my head whispers. Despite myself, I sink back into one of my favorite fantasies from my youth; one in which Reese scents me and decides to make me his. He bites me as he strokes my cock, thrusting into my ass, whispering how much he loves me…

Fuck, now I need another shower.

Sean: yeah i have something for u. can come by today if u want.

Me: Nah, I’ll come to you. No visitors allowed around here. I’ll meet you in our usual spot tomorrow morning, 630am.

Sean: y dont you just tell them ur an omega, dude? Theyll treat you just fine.

Me: Just meet me at the spot.

I slip my phone into my pocket and huff out a breath. Easy for fucking Sean to say, just let everyone know you’re an omega. I learned long ago that nothing good comes from being an omega. My mother was an omega. She had seven alphas—far too many for one pack, if you ask me—and they were constantly fighting with each other and other rivals.

None of them were particularly interested in me, despite one of them being my father. The only thing they wanted from my mother was sex. Nothing else mattered. Not her kids, not her happiness, not her health. She would talk, and none of them would listen. Even when she said she was feeling sick. Even when she was dying.

That isn’t going to happen to me. Especially not with Reese, the boy I’ve loved since I was old enough to know what love was. Of course I want his forgiveness. But more than that, I want him to see me. Love me, the way I love him. And if he knows I’m an omega, that’s never going to happen. I’ll be a toy to him, or even worse, I’ll be nothing at all.

I just need to make it through this whole thing without Reese finding out the truth. Then we can go our separate ways, and he can keep on hating me forever. At least he’ll finally be free.


Reese shows up two hours later. I’m in the living room with the camera pointed at Haven’s door. The alarm sounds, giving the house a one-minute warning before the live feed starts. I adjust my position slightly, making sure I can catch Haven when she emerges. When the final alarm sounds, indicating that we’re live, Haven’s door opens.

It’s a good thing the camera’s on a tripod, because if I had been holding it, I might have dropped it.

Haven is wearing a long flowing black dress, cut low in the front, the swell of her breasts on display. As she comes out of her room, she smooths a hand down the front of it, obviously happy with the way it fits. She giggles in delight and turns in a little circle, letting the skirt billow around her. I knew that Derek had the wardrobe people put some stuff in there for her; I didn’t know it was going to look so damn tempting on her body. And the dress is only the beginning.

Haven’s lips are painted bright red, and her hair is curled into big bouncing corkscrews, flowing around her shoulders. She’s wearing my…herchoker, and it couldn’t look more perfect. Her eyes find mine almost immediately, and she offers me a shy smile.

“Is he here yet?” she asks.

“Not yet. Soon.”

Haven nods, biting her lip as she moves to a sofa in the center of the room. I follow her with the camera. She looks nervous. I don’t blame her; I am, too. But I wish I could comfort her, take some of that worry away.

“No sound on the feed, right?” she asks.

“Nope. But it’s better if you don’t look into the camera directly.”

Haven laughs, averting her eyes with a small blush of apology. She looks around the room as she talks to me. “Of course. They told me that.” In a deeper voice, which I’m assuming mimics someone from her orientation, she adds, “Breaking the fourth wall is strictly prohibited.”

“Everyone does it at first,” I say gently. “You’ll get better at it, you’ll see.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” she says, looking down at her fingernails. “This whole thing… it’s not what I expected.”

“How so?”

Tags: Juniper Kerry Romance