Page 7 of Fat Omega

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The third option is a black velvet choker with a small pearl accent at the center. It looks more like a collar than a necklace, and I know it would complement her ivory neck, drawing attention to the curve and flow of her body. The little pearl in the center of the necklace reminded me instantly of a clit when I saw it. It’s by far the most sexual of the necklaces, and the one that will trigger the largest response in the alphas.

Haven bites her lip as she looks down at the options.

“Does one appeal to you more than the others?” I ask.

She shoots me a smile. “Well they’re all very different, but…” her fingers graze over the soft velvet of the choker. “I think this one is the most like me.”

I swallow the intense hunger that rises inside me, and reach down to pick up the choker. “Lean forward?” I ask.

She obliges, scooting closer on the couch. She lifts her hair away from her shoulders, giving me the most beautiful glimpse of her fucking neck. My mouth waters, my teeth begging to sink into her flesh. What the fuck is with that? I’m an omega, not an alpha. Why the hell do I want to bite her, claim her? It doesn’t make any sense.

I try to shake away the feelings as I reach for the choker and lift it to her neck. My fingers graze over the warm, smooth flesh, and I swear she sucks in a breath.

“No boyfriend anymore?” I ask as I do up the clasp.

“Not anymore,” she murmurs, her eyes lifting to meet mine.

We stay like that for a full minute, watching each other. Haven chews on her lip, driving me closer and closer to the edge of my sanity.

“You miss him?” I ask finally.

Haven offers me a small smile. “Nope.” She squares her shoulders and leans away ever so slightly, breaking the tension that has been building since we sat down next to each other. She looks around and hugs herself for a moment. “I’m gonna go get settled. We have a few hours, right?”

I nod.

She touches the choker gently, and my blood roars in my veins. I’ve put many a mic on many an omega in my time as a cameraman; never has it affected me. This time, it’s as if she’s wearingmynecklace; as if the choker is a claim I’ve placed upon her.

Unaware of how close she is to being pounced upon and mauled, Haven starts across the living room toward the bedrooms, but then stops and looks over her shoulder at me. “No cameras in the bedrooms, right?”

“Right,” I say. “Just the living room, dining room, and kitchen. And there are a couple outside, too.”


“The jacuzzi.”

Haven laughs a little, which only makes me harder. “Of course. Thank you, Arlo. I’ll see you soon.”

She turns away again, and I have to force myself to stay where I am. The way my name sounded on her lips… fuck, I’m in trouble.


I thought I was safe with the drugs I brought with me, but after meeting Haven, I think I need to take extra precautions. Going back to my room, I blast the hot water in the shower and scrub myself raw, trying to get rid of the omega smell that I know is blooming in the air. I have the strongest odor-neutralizing stuff on the market, and I slather it everywhere.

Even so, as I towel off and dress, I can feel the musk growing stronger again.

Cursing to myself, I pull out my phone and text Sean.

Me: I need more stuff.

Sean: alrdy? how much did you take

Me: Not enough apparently.

Sean: thats one sweet little omega u got in that house with u… no wonder ur having trouble keeping it together.

I blow out a breath. He must have seen a commercial or something. Nothing has aired yet; the cameras won’t start running ‘til midnight. But pictures have been out on the internet for a few days, promoting the show.

My phone vibrates again.

Tags: Juniper Kerry Romance