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Does it make me a pussy not to even try? Not to fight?


But for once in my goddamn life, I’m going to do the right thing.

Emmie isn’t some kind of pet, a belonging I can just keep to myself no matter how badly I might want her.

I can’t force her to want me. Or at least to admit to herself that she wants me, because I know she does.

I feel it every time we connect. Whenever we’re close.

She’s mine. I just need to think about showing her in a different way from what I’m used to.

Locking her up in my castle certainly didn’t work.

Fucking stupid fairy tales Larissa and Rhea used to force me to watch.

Sliding down the bed, I let my body sink into my memory foam mattress and sigh. The only thing that would be better right now would be if she were here beside me. Hell, even across the hall locked in my guest room would be better.

I stare up at my ceiling, assuming that now she’s said what she needed to say, she’ll ghost me once again.

It’s what I deserve.

But then my phone lights up the room again and a little hope flickers in my veins.

Telling myself it’ll just be the guys and that I’m setting myself up for disappointment, I look at the screen.

“Holy shit.”

Hellcat: Are you okay?

Honestly, no. I’m really fucking not. But the last thing I need is her pity.

Theo: Are you? Did they hurt you?

Hellcat: Nothing I couldn’t handle.

The fact that she doesn’t just say no makes that frustration and fury I’ve been fighting to keep down stir once more.

I’d put money on Archer and his little crew partying in their stupid fucking warehouse in Lovell, and I’m sure I could make my point well enough to get some answers out of them about Luis’s whereabouts.

Or I could stay here and see if I can keep Emmie talking to feed my addiction.

Rolling onto my side, the knowledge that my tablet is in my drawer right beside me makes my fingers twist to reach for it so I can see her.

But something stops me.

For once, I don’t want to invade her privacy.

If she’s willing to talk, I want this to be real, true. Honest.

Theo: Did they tell you why they did it?

Hellcat: Luis just wanted to know where my mum was. Seems a little extreme.

Theo: Do you think she’s told you everything?

Hellcat: No idea. Although I’m starting to think not.

Tags: Tracy Lorraine Knight's Ridge Empire Dark