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She nods eagerly and then wanders over to look at the brushes and easel in the corner of the shed. I try not to stare at her too obviously as I strip off the coveralls and place them in a plastic bag. We’ve been friendly lately but she’s never sought me out before like this.

Everyone thinks I'm jealous because Gabe has a girlfriend now but I'm happy he has someone who loves him and will be there for him. These strange feelings of loss are just me acknowledging how things will change. For years, he's been my go-to guy when I need something. Now things will be different and that's the way it should be.

Sasha has been incredibly supportive of my photography career and even though I haven’t known her long, it’s meant a lot to me. Especially since I’ve been doing a lot of erotic art lately. A lot of people, including my own family, are scandalized and shocked by my pictures so I was worried that she would assume the worst when she found out what kind of pictures I take.

Surprisingly, she came with Gabe to my first show and they later bought one of the prints. It’s not hard to understand why he fell for her. Her gorgeous brown skin and curly black hair make her look like she came straight from some exotic island and she has the type of strong personality he needs. Gabe needs a woman who can hold her own.

“Okay, I think that’s it.”

I press down hard on the lid of each can to be sure they’re closed securely and then stack everything on the shelves. When Gabe bought this house, he put this shed back here just for me to store things. I’ve been hiding my art supplies from my parents since high school. Luckily Debbie and Paula never cared if I left stuff at their house. Now that I’m living with my friend Isabelle, I don’t have to bother hiding it anymore. I make a mental note to ask Zack for help loading my car later so I can transport some more of my supplies.

We walk back to the house and Sasha kicks off her shoes once we enter through the back door. I’m so used to being in Gabe’s house that I go directly to the kitchen sink to wash the paint from my hands and arms. We fall into an easy rhythm preparing the food. We’re just sitting down to eat, when Sasha looks over at me mischievously.

“I actually wanted to ask you something. But feel free to say no if it’s weird.” Sasha twirls her fork between her fingers, the metal clanking against her plate.

“You’re making me nervous. What is it?”

“It’s not that big of a deal. I just know someone who had some pictures taken for her boyfriend’s birthday and I was wondering if you would consider it. Taking pictures of me. You know, sexy pictures.”

Suddenly her discomfort makes sense. Sasha is pretty brazen but this tends to make even the most ballsy women a little shy.

“You want to do boudoir shots?”

“Yes. I mean, I was thinking about it.” She lets out a little nervous laugh. “Is that a stupid idea? Too cheesy?”

“Are you kidding? I’m sure there aren’t too many guys who would turn down that gift. Gabe would love it.”

A relieved smile spreads across her face. “So, you’ll do it? I don’t think I could take those kinds of pictures with a photographer that I don’t know. Plus, all the photos you had on display in the gallery were so classy and intimate.”

I cover her hand with mine. “You have nothing to worry about, Sasha. They’ll be really tasteful and elegant. You’ll see.”

I can understand her concern because boudoir shots are tricky. When done well, they’re spectacular but when done badly… The results can be anything from tacky to horrifying.

She smiles and squeezes my hand before taking another bite of spaghetti. Then her gaze turns calculating. “Speaking of that day at the gallery, I’ve been meaning to ask you. How are things with you and Zack?”

I choke slightly and then reach for my water glass. “Fine. Why wouldn’t they be?”

She tilts her head. “You know what I mean.”

I do unfort

unately. When Sasha started dating Gabe, she asked me flat out if there was anything between us. I love Gabe and I would never want to come between the two of them so I was forced to tell her the truth. A truth that very few people know. That Gabe isn’t the Marshall brother I want.

“There’s nothing going on. He doesn’t think of me that way. We’ve all been friends for so long that I’m like a sister to him.”

Sasha chews her food, lost in thought. “The way he looked at you that day in the gallery was not very brotherly.”

The sudden burn in the pit of my stomach takes me off guard. It’s a dangerous thing, hope. It’s exactly what I don’t need to be doing, imagining that maybe one day Zack will wake up and realize what I’ve always known. That we’re perfect for each other. It’s a fantasy. A dangerous one.

“I probably shouldn’t have said anything that day but I wanted you to understand. People always assume that I’m in love with Gabe.”

“Does Zack think that, too?”


She sighs. “This is a mess. Well, for what it’s worth, I think you would be really good for him. He’s always taking care of everyone else and I think he could use someone looking out for him.”

I agree completely but the thing is, Zack doesn’t want anyone to look out for him. He’s built himself an island and while he might allow me to visit, he’s never given any indication that he wants me to stay.

Tags: M. Malone Blue-Collar Billionaires Romance