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“I do. It’s kind of selfish I guess. It’s not like I’ll be alone this time. And it means you’ll be in the waiting room with my mother for hours.”

“It’s not selfish. I’ll come back in the morning and bring your mom breakfast. I know you can’t eat beforehand but it’ll give me a chance to get to know my future mother-in-law.” He smirks.

I roll my eyes at that. He’s never going to let me live that hubby comment down.

“Okay. Bye.” I kiss him quickly but I should have expected more. This is my man we’re talking about after all. He bends me over his arm and gives me the kind of kiss that would make a nun want to sin.

“See you tomorrow, wifey.”


Sleeping with Ari has ruined sleeping alone for me. Since I’m awake early, I decide to tackle some work. Working around Ariana’s tests and appointments will have to become my new norm.

That’s something I can’t contemplate just yet so instead I answer emails.

Once it hits eight o’clock, I figure it’s late enough. I didn’t want to show up at Ariana’s place too early and wake them up. That definitely wouldn’t help me make a better impression on her mother.

Although I have a feeling nothing will help in that department. Ingrid appears to be one of those people that can find fault with anything.

After a quick pit stop to buy an assortment of pastries and several types of coffee, I drive to Ariana’s apartment. At this time of morning on a weekday parking spaces are actually available near her building. I’m grateful since I’m sure her mom will be annoyed if the coffee is cold.

I knock three times. After a few minutes I knock again. A door down the hall swings open and an old lady with curlers in her hair looks out.

“Could you be any louder?” she yells in a thin, reedy voice. “Asshole.” The last part is muttered as she slams her door.

The door in front of me opens finally and Ingrid regards me with interest. “Oh, hello. I wondered when you’d be back. Come in. Come in.”

She turns and walks away, leaving the door open so I can follow. Perplexed by her much friendlier demeanor, I follow her inside. Her long, silky robe swirls around her legs as she takes a seat at the kitchen counter. With her blond hair and blue eyes, it’s like looking at a paler version of her daughter. She really is a beautiful woman.

“I brought some food and coffee, ma’am.”

“Thank you. So mannerly. My daughter has been keeping you a secret.”

I’m not sure how to respond to that. But Ingrid doesn’t appear to need my input to the conversation.

“Ariana wouldn’t give me any of the juicy details but I already read all about the wedding online. The pictures look like heaven.” She takes a tentative sip of one of the coffees before putting it down and taking another. After another sip, she apparently deems this one acceptable before she opens the box of pastries.

I have to hold back a smile as she makes faces at each one before finally making a selection.

“It was a beautiful wedding. My brother and Casey are very happy. They’re on their honeymoon.”

“I bet it’s somewhere tropical. That’s the life. I told Ariana she missed her chance. That roommate of hers got to the prize first.” She taps my arm playfully. “But it looks like my daughter bounced back. The second brother isn’t so bad.”

The piece of croissant I’ve been absently chewing gets stuck in my throat. I cough to clear it. Ingrid jumps at the loud sound.

“Sorry. You said… Ariana used to talk about Andre?”

Ingrid laughs. “Oh yes. She told me when her roommate bagged him. The way she talked about it, I think she was quite jealous.”

Unsure where to look, I take a sip of coffee so I don’t have to respond. Ingrid keeps talking but nothing she’s saying registers. Instead my mind is going over all the early conversations I had with Ariana. She admits to yelling at Andre and slamming the door on him. But was that their only interaction?

I was under the impression she barely knew him. Now that I think about it, there’s no way that can be true. How much time did Andre spend here before he convinced Casey to move in with him? Suddenly I’m envisioning Andre hanging out in this very kitchen while Ariana secretly lusted after him.

Then I remember how she acted back when we first met. She was pushing me away but didn’t actually ghost me until she found out my last name. Was it really out of concern for her friend’s career or was it because I wasn’t the Lavin she wanted to target? Maybe she thought it was better to avoid me so she’d have time to try to get to Andre.

Was I just the consolation prize she settled for after Andre got engaged?

I wrap the croissant I’ve been tearing to shreds in a napkin and throw it away.

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance