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“This is going to be our first Christmas tradition of the year. We’ll watch one of these horrible movies together while I try to convince you to make out with me on the couch.”

“Not that you’ll have to try that hard,” I reply, touched at the idea of us having our own Christmas traditions.

Having someone who wants to be around that long is still new for me. I suspect being loved so sweetly is going to take some getting used to.

There’s a loud series of knocks at the door. We both look at each other.

“Are you expecting anyone?” Vin asks, before walking over to look through the peephole.

“No. Is it Mya?”

He shakes his head. Then whisper-yells, “It’s an older lady. A blonde. And a whole lot of suitcases.”

“Older! Young man did you just say older? The nerve!”

I drop the remote and rush to the door. Vin has to step back so I can open it.


“Darling! There you are! Oh, you look so beautiful, even in these awful cotton pajamas.” My mother rushes into the room and drags me into a heavily-fragranced hug.

Vin looks on with amusement until one of the suitcases she’s dragging rolls over his bare foot.

“Ow! Madre di–”

She looks over at him sharply as if offended that his foot got in the way of her bag. “And who is this?”

I heave a sigh. “Mom, this is Philippe Lavin. Vin, this is my mother Ingrid Larsson.”

“It’s a pleasure,” he pants, still

holding his toe.

“Charmed.” Ingrid thrusts her carryon bag in my direction. Then she pauses to look at Vin. “Lavin? Darling, didn’t your roommate marry a Lavin?”

I put an arm around my mom’s shoulders and steer her toward the living room.

“Mom, you really should sit down and drink something. Those airplanes are so dry. And all that recirculated air is so bad for the complexion.”

As expected my comment redirects her attention. She immediately sits on the couch and pulls her water bottle from her bag.

I whip around and face Vin. “I am so sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m starting to see why you’re such a force of nature.”

“Force of nature is a very kind way to put it. I had no idea she planned to show up tonight.”

“I can tell.”

“Please don’t be offended but could you come back tomorrow? I can’t sleep with you knowing my mother is on the other side of the wall. And yes, I know it’s ridiculous because I’m a grown woman but still.”

“Ari, no explanation is needed. Spend some time with your mother. I’ll go catch up on some work. It’s no problem.”

After a quick kiss and a detour to the bedroom, Vin comes out carrying his overnight bag. He waves to my mother who pretends she doesn’t see him. He chuckles.

“The test tomorrow, are you sure you still want to come? That was before I knew my mom would be here.”

He gathers me closer. “I won’t come if it makes you uncomfortable but I’d rather be there than at work wondering what’s going on. Do you want me there?”

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance