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“Please call Mamma. You know how she gets when you ignore her,” Philippe pleads.

“You just don’t want to deal with her.” I laugh at the exasperated snort that comes through the line.

“I’ve been dealing with her. Who do you think she complains to about you spending so much time with an Americano? Next thing I know, she’ll turn all that attention on me. I hope this rebellion of yours has been worth it. I’m pretty sure she’s planning a full-scale attack to marry you off as soon as you come back.”

I walk into the bedroom. The light is on in the bathroom and I can hear the shower. My mind helpfully supplies an image of Casey standing under the streaming water, her profusion of dark curls hanging in ropy, wet tendrils down her bare back. My desire for her is almost frightening in its intensity. I’ve been with beautiful women before, probably more than my share, but I’ve never craved a woman this way.

“It’s been more than worth it. There’s a chance I may not come back, little brother.” My statement is met with stunned silence.

Finally Philippe says, “I won’t pretend I understand but I’m happy for you. She must be quite a woman.” He sounds bewildered by the idea of settling down but at least I have his support.

I wouldn’t have thought I needed or wanted anyone’s approval but knowing my brother is on my side makes me feel a lot better. Especially since I’m sure my mother is going to make my life hell before she accepts my decision to move to the States and live with an unknown American woman.

“She’s amazing. The kind of woman I didn’t even know existed. Do me a favor though and don’t mention what I said about moving, per favore? The last thing I need is Mamma to find out and start her scheming. You know how she is. They already met once and I’m sure it wasn’t pleasant. I won’t subject Casey to her sharp tongue if I can help it.”

I wish I could somehow exempt myself from Mamma’s criticism too but at least I’ve had a lifetime of experience in ignoring it. Someone as softhearted as Casey would be in tears in minutes.

“She had Marcella over for dinner the other night. You know what that means. She’s still upset that you broke the engagement. But I’ll do what I can to distract her. I don’t want to see her ruin this for you.”

“No worries, little brother. I’m never getting back with Marcella or any of the other women she’s thrown at me. That was five years ago and Mamma is going to have to learn to accept it. I’m a grown man. There’s nothing she can do to ruin this for me. ”

A few minutes later when Casey emerges from the bathroom, I’m still thinking about my conversation with Philippe. I told him that I’m in this for the long haul and there’s nothing that can ruin this. But there is something. Our tendency to dance around issues instead of facing them head on. So I decide to ask about something that’s been bothering me.

“Why haven’t I seen your apartment?”

Casey pauses in the act of putting her underwear on. Then she slowly starts inching it up her legs, finally pulling it into place with a little snap.

“Stop trying to distract me.”

“I’m not. I just didn’t think you’d want to see my little apartment when you live in this palace.”

“I want to know everything about you.”

She smiles at that. “My roommate is a little strange. Mya described her to me as kooky when we first met and I have to say, I have’t found a better word to describe her yet.”

“I’m used to creative types. I’m sure your kooky friend isn’t anything I can’t handle. The depravity in the world of the megarich isn’t an exaggeration, unfortunately. It would be pretty hard to shock me.”

Casey looks skeptical but then shrugs as if she’s resigned to whatever happens. “Well, if you’re sure. Let’s sleep there tonight then.”

That wasn’t what I meant but I’m not taking it back. If this is my only opportunity to see Casey’s world, then I’m there. Even if it means sleeping on a smaller bed with a roommate one wall away.

Casey warns me there’s very little street parking, so we take a cab to her place. I’ve brought a small bag with a change of clothes and a toothbrush. But once we’re walking up the stairs, Casey’s steps get slower and slower.

“What’s wrong? Did you forget something?”

She whirls around. “Ariana is really pretty. Am I stupid for introducing you to my gorgeous, crazy, fun roommate?”

“You’re not stupid. But it’s cute that you think I’ll actually notice anyo

ne else but you. Remind me to tell you about all the times I went back to the bar where we met. I’m pretty sure the bartender thought I was a stalker. They probably have my picture up in the back.”

She takes a deep breath. “That’s really sweet. But also kinda creepy.”

We continue up the stairs to the third floor and Casey pulls her keys out. She unlocks a door in the middle of the hall but the door won’t open more than a few feet.

“Hold on. Ariana left the chain on the door. She probably assumed I wasn’t coming back for the night.” She knocks and a few minutes later, we hear the sound of the door being unlatched.

The young woman who opens the door of the apartment is beautiful. Casey wasn’t exaggerating about that. But she’s obviously very suspicious since she only pokes her head out.

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance