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“Excellent. I got you something for our date Saturday night.” I go back to my room and then come back carrying the dress carefully.

“You didn’t,” she breathes.

“I did. It’s a sample gown I had altered by one of the junior designers. You’ll be the first to wear a dress from our new evening wear line. I’m taking you to the symphony tomorrow night.”

There’s a heated look in her eyes as she undresses right there in the living room. As she steps into the dress, it flows over her curves like water.

“You look like a princess.”

Casey blushes prettily. “I feel like one, too. So I guess that makes you my Prince Charming. I can’t wait to wear this Saturday!”

The next day seems to drag but finally it’s Saturday night and we arrive at the symphony. I enjoy watching her reactions to everything. Her eyes are alight with discovery at the lush interior of the Kennedy Center and the swirl of gowns and tuxedos.

“This is so exciting. I feel like I’m in a movie,” she whispers as we take our seats.

She falls asleep ten minutes into the performance.

And I fall in love with her just as fast.

We spend the rest of the night watching television on the couch and eating ice cream straight from the carton. I carry her to bed and make love to her like we have forever. Then I watch her as she sleeps and wonder if the incredible luck I’ve had in my life will continue long enough for me to make her mine.

The next day, Casey asks if she can plan a date. We’re eating pancakes she made from scratch. She looks adorable with mussed hair and pancake batter on her cheek. It’s a view that I hope I’ll be seeing every Sunday from now on.

“You’re doing the whole gentlemanly, let-me-treat-you-right thing, and I love it. But I’m dying to take you somewhere in particular so please say yes.”

As if I could deny her anything. “Okay. Where are we going?”

I’m ready to pretend to enjoy a chick flick when she says, “It’s a surprise. Actually, did you finish sewing that sample pair of your activewear trousers?” At my nod, she wiggles with delight. “Good. Wear those.”

“Now I’m really curious.”

She keeps me in suspense the entire time as we ride the metro. Then proceeds to take me to a laser tag place and kick my ass at the game.

I’ve never had so much fun.

But when I arrive home from work on Monday evening, I have to admit my favorite part has been this. The quiet evenings spent together. With her laptop, she can do work from home and I’ve quickly become accustomed to the sound of her typing away in the background as I sketch or review financial reports.

Spending time with her doing nothing is the greatest joy. Well, not nothing. This is us, after all.

I take off my suit jacket as I approach the couch. Casey is curled up on the sofa watching television. I lean over and nuzzle her neck. My phone dings in my pocket. I ignore it. I nip her shoulder just as the chirping sound starts again.

“You should probably answer that.” Casey’s husky laugh flows over me, the sexy sound making me hard instantly.

“It can wait.”

“It’s okay. If it’s business you should take care of it. I really should be studying anyway. I have a statistics quiz in two days.” But she doesn’t move away as I continue sampling the soft skin on her neck.

Then my phone rings. Again.

I groan. Apparently whoever it is won’t give up until I answer.

She rises gracefully and stretches, the hem of her shirt rising to show the curve of her back. I lean over and grab for her, intent on pulling her back into my arms.

“No way, mister. I have schoolwork to do.” She picks up her laptop from the sofa next to her and walks toward the bedroom.

“Damn, you make it hard for me to think about work.” I pull out my phone, already annoyed at whoever it is.

There are two calls from my mother. Those can definitely wait. There’s one call from my brother. I hit the button to return the call. He answers on the first ring.

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance