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The rest of the weekend I spend doing homework and laundry. Monday morning, I repeat Ariana’s words while I get ready. The outfits she left for me aren’t exactly my definition of office appropriate but they’re still better quality than anything I own. Since the sweaters all expose quite a bit of cleavage, I decide to tie a scarf around my neck to tone it down.

On the metro ride in to work, I catch several guys checking me out. Maybe this outfit was a mistake.

“Morning!” I beam brightly at Anya as I walk through the lobby and then take my seat behind the reception desk.

“Someone is in a good mood this morning.”

Okay, maybe I shouldn’t be quite so peppy. I want people to see me as professional not ditzy.

“Just trying to keep a positive mindset.”

Anya waves at one of the guys from the legal department who gives me a leer as he walks by. What was that look for? Am I showing too much cleavage or was he at the party Saturday night and saw me nearly sucking the lips off our biggest client?

The uncertainty is going to bug me all day. Every time someone looks at me sideways I’m going to wonder if they saw me. Meanwhile Andre is probably in Milan by now eating caviar for breakfast, or whatever it is that billionaires enjoy with their coffee.

Resolved not to think about it, I focus on answering the phone while doing some research on the computer for Mya. One of her clients is a mid-level lingerie brand so she has me compiling images of their competitor’s products. I never thought I’d be looking at pictures of thongs for work, but here we are.

When I come back from lunch, I’m getting ready to go to Mya’s office when Milo approaches the reception desk. Anya should be here soon to relieve me.

“Afternoon, Casey. Did you already set up conference room three?”

“There’s a conference this afternoon? I don’t remember seeing any appointments.” I pull up the calendar for the day. There’s nothing but internal meetings which are usually held in private offices. All of the conference rooms are available. “There must be a mistake…”

“Actually it’s my fault.” James walks up, hands held out in surrender. “The Lavin Group asked for a meeting this afternoon.”

My heartbeat comes to a screeching halt in my chest. “The Lavin Group? Andre Lavin is coming back today?”

Both men peer at me strangely. James nods slowly. “At three o’clock. I sent Anya a message last night reminding her to put it on the calendar. She’s usually really great at keeping up with these sorts of details.”

I swallow against the sudden hard knot in the middle of my throat. “It must have slipped her mind.”

My insides go hot. If James sent the message yesterday, that means Andre called him to schedule the meeting after the Preview Gala was over. After I told him to go back to Europe and leave me alone.

Now he’s coming here and it’s probably not going to mean anything good for me.

And there’s no way Anya forgot abut this. The little traitor is playing matchmaker without knowing she’s two months too late. Now her innocent little trick to surprise me is about to blow up in ways she couldn’t have imagined.

“It’s no problem at all.” I take a few deep breaths before continuing. “Just let me know what you need and I’ll get everything set up.”

James looks stricken. “Sorry it’s so last minute. Anya must have forgotten. I usually check on these things, but then I… Well, I forgot, too.”

Milo’s lips twitch. “It shouldn’t take long to set up the room. We just need some refreshments and an extra set of hands to distribute the marketing materials.”

I carefully remove my headset. “I’m on it. I’ll go see if Anya is available to help as well.” It’s work to keep my steps light and even as I walk away. As soon as I round the corner out of their sight, I break into a sprint.

“Whoa! Where’s the fire?” Anya pokes her head out of the copy room. “Who are you running from?”

“I’m not running from anyone. I was trying to find you.” I push her back into the room and close the door. Anya avoids my gaze, suddenly interested in the stacks of paper on the worktable in front of her.

“Is he here already?” At least she has the grace to look guilty.

“Who exactly are you referring to, Anya? I don’t have anything on the schedule for this afternoon. I’m sure you wouldn’t purposely omit telling me about an appointment that was rescheduled.”

“Don’t be so dramatic. I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d just worry about it all day. You’re so shy and I figured you just needed a little push. I already set up the refreshments so all that’s needed are the handouts for the presentation.”

“I hate being caught off guard

. I’m already out of my league as it is.”

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance