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Ariana just blinks. “This doesn’t happen often but I have no idea what to say. And I thought you were boring at first.”

I snort out a laugh. “Well, I’m not sure having a one-night stand with a guy and then finding out who he is two months later is what I want to be known for.”

“And you won’t be. It happened and now it’s over. Was he a jerk to you?” She looks enraged on my behalf.

“No. He was… I’m not sure what he was. He’s so… so, I don’t know. The man thinks he’s such a gift to women. Like he was so shocked that I didn’t want to pick up where we left off two months ago, as if the fact that he lied about who he is doesn’t even matter. Ugh, he makes me so mad! But then he can be so sweet sometimes.”


I break off in the middle of my tirade to find Ariana watching me with horror. “What?”

“You like him,” she accuses.

“No, I don’t. He’s a jerk a lot of the time and also he thinks he’s such hot stuff hanging out with actresses on his yacht. And he doesn’t even live here. But really, who needs a boat that big, huh? Only guys who are compensating for something get boats that big.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Well, is he compensating for something?”

I scowl. “Unfortunately, no. Damn it, this is not how things are supposed to be. He was supposed to be a random guy I’d never see again not a client. That was the whole point of a one-night stand, to keep me from having to deal with this stuff. What are people going to say when they find out?”

Ariana claps her hands. “Casey, you are a hot little number. Own it. Work it. Don’t let anybody make you feel ashamed. You were both consenting adults. Do you think he’s going to rat you out to your boss?”

Instinctively, I shake my head. “No, I don’t think he would do that. Plus, he’ll be in Europe anyway. Mya said that’s where he usually is.”

“Well, there you go. It’s over. It’s done. It’s nobody else’s business. You’re going to go back to work on Monday, hold your head high and be the best damn receptionist ever.”

Her pep talk is actually working. It’ll be embarrassing if anyone saw us, sure. But she’s totally right. We’re adults. It’s not like anyone was forced into doing something they didn’t want to do. If James brings it up, I won’t lie. But really, as long as Andre doesn’t complain, why would James even care? I can’t be the first person who has had too much to drink at a company party and done something they shouldn’t have.

“You’re right. It’s nobody’s damn business.”

Ariana fist pumps the air. “That’s the spirit. Now I’m going to pick out some power outfits for you to borrow. Trust me, it’ll make you feel more confident if you look like a boss bitch.”

I walk back to my room and carefully wiggle out of my dress. It was nice to feel like a princess for a little while but being glamorous is hard work. It’s so much easier to just curl up in my favorite pajamas and read a good book. A few minutes later Ari comes in with an armful of clothes.

“These should fit and don’t worry, they’re all office appropriate. Tomorrow is a new day. A new beginning!” She grins. “Maybe I should consider a career as a motivational speaker. I’m pretty good at this crap.”

She turns to go but then stops. “You said you won’t be seeing him anytime soon, right?”

I shake my head. “I doubt it. From what I’ve heard he rarely comes in to the office and he lives in Italy anyway.”

“Oh, well that’s lucky.”

“Yeah it is. It would have been really awkward if I had to see him everyday.”

“For sure. Also you don’t have to worry about any revenge ego.”

I’m not sure if this is Ariana-speak or if that’s an actual thing that I should be aware of. I’ve heard of revenge porn which is bad enough. The thought that anyone could do that to someone they were once intimate with makes me sick to my stomach.

“Am I supposed to know what that means?”

She shakes her head. “It’s the kind of thing you only know about if you’ve ever gotten between a powerful man and his ego. Men like this are different. They’re used to getting what they want, when they want it. If he was someone you had to see all the time, I would warn you to be on your toes. Because men like this always seek revenge for their wounded egos.”

Now she’s making me nervous. I don’t think Andre would seek any kind of revenge on me just because I don’t want to sleep with him again. Just the thought makes me feel uncomfortable. Because if he ever did, it would mean I am officially a terrible judge of character.

“I guess it’s a good thing he’s not around much then.”

“Yeah. Like I said, lucky. Good night!”

She closes the door leaving me alone with a pile of her clothes and a vague sense of unease.

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance