Page 57 of Season of Seduction

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His heart renewed the too-quick beating in his chest. “Yeah, I’m good.”

“You know, Mrs. McKenzie was checking you out. She tried for five minutes after you left to convince me to put you on the stripper list. I’m telling you, you could totally make a killing if you come over to this side of the business.”

Blake wanted to wrap her up in his arms and kiss her senseless. Christ, what was the matter with him? “A man needs to be able to dance first. It’s best for all involved if I stay away from the stripping. I might kill someone.”

Before he was able to walk past her, Kim reached out and brushed her fingers against his forearm. That simple touch was enough to stop him in his tracks and look into her eyes.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” She swayed closer, but pulled back before they came into contact. “You seem off.”

“It’s this time of year.” Still, when she opened her mouth to say something, something inside him broke. Memories of their night together. The softness in her voice when she’d teased him, kissed him. If she’d been planning to speak, the words evaporated as he lowered his head and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

An honest-to-God pro

per kiss.

The feeling was electric, although brief, as she parted her lips and let him in. His cock twitched, threatening to come back to life, a stark reminder of what he’d just done. Guilt gnawed at his belly and he broke the kiss, pulling away quickly. Kim still had her eyes closed, but she didn’t look the least bit upset by what he’d done. Still, he’d crossed a line he shouldn’t have.

“I’m sorry.” His voice was ragged and his hands shook. “I’m heading out.”

“What?” Kim blinked rapidly and gave her head a small shake. “You just kissed me and now you’re leaving?”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Without another look back, Blake bolted for the door. What a colossal fuckup he was. He’d kissed Kim. At work. A woman who not only was his junior but his employee. He snatched his coat from the office, thankful that Kim didn’t follow him out, and stepped outside. The cold December air blasted against his face, a thankful punishment for his actions. Without bothering to do up his coat, he turned and started walking, hoping it would knock some sense into him.

Chapter Four

It was strange for Kim to be attending a party where one of her Naughty Nicks was giving a performance, but she wasn’t about to walk away. Not when she knew it was Greg who’d be stripping down to his more-than-revealing red underwear. Plus, she needed something to take her mind off of Blake and whatever the hell had happened between them for him to kiss her and run.

She kissed him. He kissed her. Then he “had to work from his other office” for two days.

Bastard Blake and his fucking mixed signals.

No, no, no, not Blake. Greg. She came here to focus on Greg with those abs, and that ass...

Yes, she was going to have so much fun teasing him the next time he came into the office. Because with Greg she knew exactly where she stood.

“Oh my God, Kimmie, I can’t believe you set all this up for me!” Sarah tackle-hugged her from behind, squeezing her so much, air refused to enter her lungs. Her Amazonian friend was far too touchy-feely for a woman of her height and size. She could practically swallow someone up in her arms, especially Kim given how tiny she was.

“Can’t. Breathe.”

“Shit, sorry.” Sarah stepped back, but somehow still managed to keep bouncing. “I’m freaking out about this. Best Christmas party ever!”

“All of your parties are the best. You didn’t need a Naughty Nick for that, sweetie.”

Despite her book smarts, Sarah was more than a little paranoid when it came to her ability to handle social situations. She’d been taken advantage of more than a few times in university, though that hadn’t dampened her natural enthusiasm for life. She loved making people happy, and in turn, Kim loved seeing her happy. If only Sarah had a guy who would treat her right and not break her heart.

Maybe she should introduce her to Clark...

“Oh no, this one will be talked about for ages. I have the rum punch flowing and the rum cake cut and served.” Sarah’s ponytail swished behind her head as though it had come to life. “And after our naked Santa goes, I have It’s a Wonderful Life ready to go. It will be perfect!”

God, they’d be drunk, horny and bawling all at once. “I can’t wait.”

“When’s he going to get here?” Sarah spun in a circle, looking more than a little like a dog trying to locate her tail. Yeah, tomorrow I’m finding out if Clark is single or not.

“He’s late, right? He should have been here twenty minutes ago.”

Frowning, Kim checked her watch again. “Actually, he is.” Greg was one of the first men she’d hired for this gig three years ago, one of the few who returned year after year. He was super anal about being punctual, almost as much as he was about his appearance. For him to be late meant there was a problem. “I’m going to give him a call—”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic