Page 56 of Season of Seduction

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The electronic door chime went off and she stepped away from him in a flash and turned to face the big fat jerk who’d interrupted them. “Welcome to Naughty Nicks.”

The two women both looked to be in their seventies, hell, maybe even their eighties. The taller of the two looked between Kim and Blake, tapped her nose and gave them a grin. “Hello my dear. Would one of your naked Santas come to a retirement home?”

* * *

Blake couldn’t stand there and listen to the two elderly women talk to Kim. He’d hoped they would be in and out quickly, but the pair must have picked up on what had been going on between them and were dragging their feet, while they continuously shot Blake curious glances. If he didn’t know any better, he’d suspect they were mentally undressing him.

At least Kim would have a mark she could add to the naughty list.

His cock throbbed, showing absolutely no sign of going back to its less-than-rock-hard state. Even stepping into his office and pressing the heel of his hand against it did little to help alleviate the pressure.

She’d kissed him.

It still didn’t change the fact that he was nearly ten years older than she was, way too big a gap for them to have a shot at a lasting relationship. The last thing he wanted was to be one of those guys who hooked up with a woman in her twenties just to get back at an ex. This wasn’t about them having some meaningless fling, a chance to have mindless sex with a hottie who he could walk away from.

It wouldn’t be like that. He’d never seen Kim that way even that night in the bar. Kim had it together—she was smart, confident, and far surer of herself than he’d been at that age. It wasn’t any one particular thing that attracted him to her, but rather it was the complete package.

“Oh I know just the guy! Chris has this thing he can do with his butt cheeks. The girls will love it!” Even though she was in the next room, her voice was taking its toll on him.

He pressed down again on his cock, willing the hard-on to go away. There was only one way he’d be able to deal with this—and the thought of jerking off in the bathroom was wrong.

Necessary, but wrong.

Snatching a file folder off his desk, he strategically placed it in front of his groin and strode from the office. “Everything okay, ladies?”

“Oh, we’re just peachy.” The shorter of the two women winked at him. “Is he one of the Santas?”

He could feel their eyes on his ass as he kept going. “Sorry to disappoint. I just sign the paychecks.”

Their giggles followed him down the hallway and into the small bathroom where he turned and quickly shut and locked the door, and undid the front of his pants. His hand was down his underwear and around his cock before the breath left his lungs. God, what would Kim think of him if she saw him like this—jerking off like a teen in a public place?

She’d probably smile as she toyed with one of her curls. She might even bite down on her bottom lip while she watched him stroke his cock with shorter and faster strokes. If Blake was really lucky, she might saunter over to him in that flirty way that she did, and drop down to her knees.

He pressed his head back against the door at that particular image and squeezed his eyes shut. In his mind she didn’t suck him, didn’t reach for him at all—she simply stared at his hand, his cock, and smiled. Maybe she’d tease him a bit. Oh yeah, he could see her doing that.

Come on, Blake. Show me your little elf. Slow down a bit, I want to get a good look at you. I need to see if you’re going to be man enough for me. I could lick up the length of your shaft, tease the tip with my tongue, see if I get a Christmas treat. Would you like that? Want me to suck your balls into my mouth and scratch my nails down your thighs?

That’s it. Harder now. God, your cock is so red. You better come for me.

In a flash he was back on the floor of Kim’s apartment. He could taste her come on his tongue, could remember how wet her pussy got when he’d slipped his fingers inside her. He squeezed his shaft the way her muscles had clenched around him. If he were to do things again, he’d press a finger into her ass as he fucked her. He’d need both his hands to torment every sensitive spot on her body. There’d be teasing on his end as well.

I want to fuck your ass, baby. I’ll pinch your nipples nice and hard until you’re begging me to let you come. Maybe I’ll let you sit on my face so I can eat you out while I finger you. I bet you’d like that.

Kim’s phantom moans filled his head. He pictured her riding him, her hands braced against his chest as she drove her body down. Her pussy would be tight, wet as she ground her body hard against him. She’d scratch her nails along his chest, raking them over his nipples and causing him to gasp. He’d do his best to hold on, to keep from tipping over until she came first. He needed her to come first, wanting to have her come apart around him.

Every muscle in her body would clench, her face would flush and her nipples would be hard and red. She’d gasp and throw her head back as her pussy squeezed his cock hard, her voice filling the room as she screamed out in pleasure.

He clenched his teeth together as his orgasm slammed into him hard and fast. He couldn’t open his eyes, didn’t want the mental picture of Kim to be wiped away as pleasure roared through him. The way she’d look down at him, so beautiful, perfect. He wanted to touch her, caress her breasts, kiss her, fuck her again—no, that wasn’t an option.

As the last ripples of his release subsided, Blake let his body relax back against the door and did his best to get his breathing under control. Shit, what the hell had he done? He’d jerked off in the bathroom to the thought of his friend and employee.

Kim didn’t deserve to be treated like some sort of cheap sex object. She was an intelligent, funny woman who helped others on a daily basis. She didn’t deserve to be reduced to nothing more than a masturbation fantasy for him. And as much as he would love the idea of the two of them getting together, he couldn’t do that to her. He knew from their conversations that she wasn’t ready for family and commitment yet, and he wasn’t into the party scene anymore. A relationship between them wouldn’t work, and he wasn’t prepared to offer her anything less.

Moving to the sink, he flicked on the water and cleaned himself up. With a quick look around to make sure there wasn’t any evidence remaining of his moment of weakness, he dried his hands, zipped up and opened the door.

To come face to face with Kim.

“Hey.” Her smile made her eyes sparkle. It always did. “You okay? You were in there a long time.”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic