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I knew to take her as my client was playing with fire!

But the moment she walks into my office,

And I lock my eyes with her;

She ignites that passion and then there is no turning back.

Nova’s been through a lot,

An abusive marriage that’s scared her to death.

But she has a hidden fiery side that makes me WILD,

And then my worst fears come true,

The trouble that once only affected her, starts coming for both of us.

Her husband who would do anything to possess her.

He might be a hunter, but I'm a f*cking beast.

I'll do everything to protect her

I’ll fight for her and bring her back home.



I stare up at the building where I spent my childhood, my heart racing with all sorts of emotions as I do. Much as this place holds some good memories, such as meeting my best friend, Clara, it also holds a lot of sadness too. But I suppose every orphanarium does that. No one goes there without some sadness in their lives. You don’t end up an orphan if you have parents, so of course, it’s a roller coaster to be looking at it.

“It’s weird, isn’t it, Nova?” Clara asks with a pensive smile on her lips. “I don’t know if I like being back here. It makes me feel all strange… like I’m back being a young, scared child again.”

“I know, it is strange. I usually avoid this part of Las Vegas on purpose! That’s why I live over the other side.”

Clara narrows her eyes at me. “No, that isn’t why. You live on the other side because that’s the rich part.”

I laugh, but the sound is hollow. Maybe I have moved far in life, from the parentless, poor side to the massive mansions that everyone aspires to live in, but not everything is perfect. It’s definitely been a ‘be careful what you wish for’ deal where I have learned that the lives which seem perfect, are more than often not.

I thought Jeremy was going to be my knight in shining armor, the person to save me from the sadness of my life so far. I assumed that we would run off into the sunset and live a happy ever after.

Tags: Mia Ford The Vegas Men Billionaire Romance