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“I really need to work so I can start paying for things. I can’t allow you, Will, Frank, and Abigail to take care of me financially. I will be fine, Doc. I’ve worked as a bartender in some of the toughest places in Detr—” She stopped talking. That was her past life. This was her new life.

“You were going to say Detroit? Is that where you lived?” he asked.

“Lived? I don’t think that would be the best term for it, Doc. I’d say more like survived, because if I didn’t get out of there, I’d be dead right now. I’m going to take the bike, okay?”

“I can drive you or call one of the guys.”

“No. I need to do this, and I like the exercise. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Be safe, Lena.”

She headed outside and got onto her bike. She carried a small bag that had her uniform in it, which consisted of a short jean miniskirt and a low-cut tank top that said “Rocky’s” across the bust. It may as well have said “Hooters” because her boobs were big and the shirt was mighty small. She didn’t worry about it. She hoped that tonight she made some serious money.

* * * *

Doc Jones stopped by to see Bryant.

“I told you not to come by here.”

“This place is a fucking mess, Bryant. When was the last time you cleaned?”

“None of your business.”

“Bryant you need to come into the office for X-rays and to schedule more rehab.”

“Why bother? I’m all fucked up, and it doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter. If you would continue to do the exercises, then you would feel better. Drinking yourself into oblivion is not going to help you heal.”

“I like drinking myself into oblivion. Just leave me alone.”

“You look like you haven’t slept in a while. Are you in pain?” his father asked as he walked around the room, trying to pick up some of the garbage.

“I can’t sleep with that new neighbor living a few yards away. What the fuck is that all about anyway?”

“It’s about helping a young woman who was living on the streets. She’s a real nice young lady. She’s been working hard at the office and now at Rocky’s.”

“Rocky’s? What the hell? If you all really gave a shit about her, you wouldn’t throw her to the wolves like that.”

“I’m not happy about it, but she’s trying to make money so she can take care of herself. She doesn’t have any family.”

“Well, you should adopt her and leave me the fuck alone. Get out!”

Doc shook his head. It was becoming more and more difficult to handle his son’s disrespect and bad attitude.

“I know you would like nothing more than to be left alone, but you need help. You need someone to come clean your house, cook a decent meal for you, and help you with your exercises.”

Bryant ignored him.


“You’re still here?”

“What are you going to do if something happens when you’re here alone?”

“Die a lonely death. It’s what I hope for.”

* * * *

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic