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“Abigail and I are going to set up the tables outside then start the grill up,” Will stated and Blake continued to look over the stove. He glanced at Lena.

“I don’t think this is going to do, Lena. I don’t like that the gas line is rusted out or that there’s been some water damage back here. I say we install a new one,” he told her as he leaned against the counter after tossing the wrench onto the tool box.

“Oh, well, how much will that cost?” she asked.

“It’s our cottage, our responsibility to make sure everything is on the up-and-up. I can go into town tomorrow and order one from Louis. It will probably take a week, though.”

“That really isn’t necessary. I can use the grill, and I like salads. I can handle not having anything to cook on.”

He saw the seriousness in her eyes. He hated imagining her rummaging through garbage cans to find food. She was too beautiful for that kind of life. He felt compelled to help her.

He stepped closer to her and she didn’t move.

“You have the most amazing color eyes I have ever seen. It’s like looking into the Caribbean sea.”

She swallowed hard then turned away from him. A long strand of hair had come out from the ponytail holder that held the rest back from her face.

He couldn’t resist the urge to touch the shimmering onyx. He reached out to touch the strand of hair, and she looked up at him.

“Like silk, just as I imagined,” he stated before letting the black satin fall between his fingers.

She tensed up. The last thing that he wanted to do was scare her. Usually women threw themselves at him. Go figure the one time in his life when he saw something in a woman that sparked interest deep inside him that she would have the ability to resist and possib

ly even fear his touch. Blake was compelled to talk his way through this and make friends with her quickly.

“Don’t be scared of me, Lena. My fathers and my mother raised us well. We respect women and we are protective of what’s ours.”

She pushed the loose strand of hair away from her face and behind her ear.

“That’s nice to know but—” He placed his finger over his lips for her to stop talking. Then he stepped closer placing his hand on her waist.

“I’m not just being nice. I want to get to know you. You don’t have to be alone anymore,” he began to say when her eyes widened and she took a few steps away from him.

“I like being alone, Blake. It’s what I’m used to.”

Before he could respond to her, they heard Will call from outside.

“Lock up the house, we’re eating at our place. The grill isn’t working either,” Will stated, and Blake laughed as he shook his head, but Lena looked petrified.

* * * *

Bryant wondered what the hell had been going on the past week over at the old cottage. His house was a hop, skip, and a jump away, and the entire racket and yelling and laughing was driving him crazy. He chose this cottage to keep away from everyone, and now it seemed that his wacky parents were renting out to some chick.

He forced himself out of the chair and walked closer toward the kitchen window. The moment his eyes locked on the woman, he felt his chest tighten.

She was bending over, raking out weeds and clearing the overgrown bed by the side and front of the cottage. Her long, black hair was tied with a ribbon or something. It had to reach her waist. Who the hell was she?

Before long, he was leaning onto the counter and keeping a watchful eye on her. She had on a tight pair of blue jeans that hugged her ass perfectly. Her tank top didn’t reach the waistline and showed off her body. He didn’t need his perfect vision to see from the distance that she was hot looking. His body reacted, too, and it had been ages since a woman affected him like that. Then again, he hadn’t been with a woman in a long time.

He was annoyed for even reacting when he saw a rider show up and walk over to the woman. Was that Clay? That piece of shit was trying to get into her pants. He was a player. Why should I give a shit? Like most women, his new young neighbor was probably trouble, anyway. He downed his drink and stumbled back over to the couch.

* * * *

The days had passed and Lena was getting used to people stopping by to say hello or to check on her. She had heard the screen door next door pop open and close a few times during the night, but she never got a glimpse at the man who lived there. She had an interview at Rocky’s Bar and Pub yesterday, and after one look at her body, Rocky hired her on the spot. The outfit was a bit wild and short, but when she visited on a Wednesday during the week, it was so crowded she knew that tips would be really good. She spoke to one of the waitresses, Stella, and she told her the average money she made in tips was about five to six hundred for a Friday or Saturday night. The other plus was that Rocky was willing to hire her without any identification and completely off the books. She had lied about her last name the night Kenny and the Sheriff caught her outside of Doc’s office. They never said anything about it and she wasn’t about to bring it up. She was twenty-one and old enough to work the bar scene. She was used to working the bar, but Rocky wanted her serving drinks and delivering food to hungry patrons. They mostly served bar food and sandwiches. These were the typical munchies people wanted as they drank themselves into a stupor. She thought about Sage again and wondered if she was still working at the restaurant in Detroit. She hoped that Ariel and the guys hadn’t stopped her. Sage was weak, and she needed guidance. If Lena made enough money, maybe she’d go back for Sage and bring her out of Detroit.

Tonight was going to be Lena’s first night working, and she asked Doc if she could leave early.

“You sure you want to work there, honey? There are always fights going on and people getting drunk. My son Kenny and the sheriff, Wyatt, get called there often.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic