Page 70 of The Midwife's Child

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She had no doubt now that he loved her.

She remembered how angry he’d been when he’d found out about Toby, but how quickly he’d controlled his emotions and insisted on listening to her point of view. She remembered all the things he’d done to try and make her life better, things she’d thought he was doing out of a sense of duty.

But it hadn’t been duty. He’d been doing it because he cared for her, and all she’d been able to think of had been her own childhood, and how he must have been doing it out of a sense of responsibility.

But Jed did love her. Or at least he had until today. He’d said that he’d accepted that she didn’t love him. So was that the end of it all? Or could she persuade him that she did love him? That she always had loved him?

She pulled up outside the farmhouse, staring at the wooden tubs stuffed with daffodils and tulips. It was idyllic, the setting. In fact, everything about this family was idyllic. And she could be a part of it. Why had she hesitated?

‘Hello, Brooke!’ Ellie came to the door, a broad smile on her face and a bottle of champagne in her left hand. ‘You’re just in time. Phil’s here with wonderful news.’

Brooke climbed out of her car and smoothed her soft floral skirt over the curve of her hips.

‘I don’t want to intrude,’ she mumbled, but Ellie ignored her and swept her inside, her warmth like a balm to Brooke’s emotions.

‘Nonsense! You’re one of the family! How could you possibly intrude? You must join us for our celebration. Even Toby has a glass of lemonade!’ She sailed into the kitchen with Brooke behind her. ‘It’s Brooke, everyone! Someone pour the girl a glass of champers.’

Before she knew what was happening a narrow champagne flute was thrust into her hand and she was drinking the health of Phil and his girlfriend who had just become engaged. Jed raised his glass with the rest of them, his smile ever present but his blue eyes strained and tired.

Brooke felt her insides turn over. She needed to talk to him. She needed to tell him that she loved him before it was too late. But how could she when they were surrounded by all these people?

‘What’s engaged?’ Toby piped up, his little voice cutting through the excited buzz of conversation round the table.

‘It’s what you do before you get married,’ Ellie told him with a broad smile. ‘Phil and Rosie love each other, so they’re getting married.’

Toby looked puzzled. ‘But you don’t get married just because you love each other.’

Ellie gave him a tolerant smile. ‘Well, you do usually, dear.’

Toby shook his head violently. ‘No. That’s not right. My mum loved my dad and they didn’t get married.’

There was a hideous silence and Brooke felt her breathing stop as everyone turned to look at her. All except Jed, that was. He was staring at Toby.

‘What did you say, old son?’ His voice cracked slightly and he leaned forward and looked at Toby intently.

‘My mum loved my dad. And they didn’t get married.’

Brooke intervened, her voice strangled. This wasn’t what she’d had in mind. ‘Jed…’

Jed ignored her. ‘What do you know about your dad, Toby?’

Toby swung his legs and tilted his head to one side, oblivious of the fact that you could have heard a pin drop in the room. ‘I know my mum loved him more than any man in the whole world. She told me that. And because she couldn’t marry him, she won’t marry anyone. Ever. And that’s why she’s not married. She told me that, too.’

The silence seemed to last for ages and then Tom, uncharacteristically tactful, cleared his throat.

‘Perhaps we should go and see the lambs—’

‘No!’ Jed stood up abruptly, his chair scraping on the kitchen floor. ‘Mum, keep Toby company, will you? Brooke and I are going for a walk.’

Her knees shaking, Brooke stood up, unable to see how she could argue. Judging from the set look on his face, if she didn’t go with him he’d have the conversation right here and now in front of his family, regardless of the audience.

‘Excuse us, everyone.’ His hand closed like a vice around her wrist and he led her into the yard and towards the stream she’d sat by on the first day he’d brought her to meet his parents.

Once there he released her and took a deep breath, his blue eyes watchful. ‘OK, Brooke. What was that all about?’

Brooke took a deep breath. ‘Toby knows I love his father and that I always will.’

Jed’s breathing was uneven, his expression guarded. ‘You told him that you loved me?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance