Page 205 of One Hot Summer

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I slap my hands against his back. “You jerk. I thought you changed your mind,” I shout at him.

As soon as the door to his room closes, Lincoln lowers me from his shoulder only to pin me against the wall. His lips are working meticulously around mine. He isn’t being cautious or gentle. There is heat within every movement. His hands are squeezing around me. It’s hard to breathe, but in the moment, air doesn’t seem necessary with Lincoln breathing into me. The eager sounds and breathless moans are triggering every nerve-ending in my body.

In the seamless movement from the wall to Lincoln’s bed, clothes are shredded until there is nothing but hot, damp skin between us.

It’s then that I notice the rose petals covering the white comforter on his bed, and votive candles illuminate the night stands. “Thank you for coming to visit me,” he whispers in my ear while laying me down on his bed.

“I haven’t gone more than a minute without thinking about you,” I tell him.

The sheets fly above our heads, gently fallen on top of us like a blanket of feathers. His hands are everywhere, and tension is fierce. “Is this okay?” he asks. Though it seems a little late to be asking this question, I appreciate it.

“More than okay,” I respond with only my breath.

I hear the packaging of a condom torn open, and the quick struggle of his body as he slips it on. He’s quick to refocus his attention back on my lips as his hands and body do the rest of the work.

I’m melting into his bed as he presses into me. His arms cradle the rest of my body, allowing the friction between us to enhance every sensation. I love the feeling of our bodies being pressed together. It feels like I’ve been here with him before—something familiar and something I would want to relive over and over.

His lips encircle my face, moving down the length of my neck, and across my collarbone. I force him to roll over, pinning him beneath me, showing I like the control too. I press my hands against his chest and ride the waves just as he was.

Lincoln’s hands cup my breasts and his head falls back into the pillow. His hands find my hips and he squeezes as silent moans escape his lips, warning me of what’s coming. The sounds are enough to drive me to my brink. I move faster and harder against him, feeling him unravel, losing my strength to stay upright, and I cry out with release before I fall on top of him.

That was everything I thought it would be, and way more.

“How am I supposed to go back downstairs now?” I ask through missing breaths.

Lincoln’s hand sweeps up and down the length of my back. “I don’t know how I will ever leave this bed again,” he says.

“Well, you have to. The girls told me to come get you and bring you back down.”

Lincoln chuckles and places his hand on my cheek, kissing me again. “I’m glad they approve of me, at least.”

“Grace has been trying to figure out how to move you home with us since we got here, so they definitely approve of you.”

“Grace asked me twice to move to Boston,” Lincoln admits.

“She did, huh?”

“I told her my job here was only temporary, and Boston doesn’t sound like the worst place to be.”

Grace knew.

“I didn’t know—”

“She’s worried about you. She told me she’s never seen you so happy and she’d do just about anything to keep you smiling. Your friends really love you,” Lincoln tells me.

“I love them too.”

“Maybe someday I could love you like they love you.

“Maybe someday I could love you too,” I tell him.

“Will you message me, email me, and write me letters until I make it back to the Northeast?”

“Only if you promise to write back,” I counter.

“I’ll write to you first. That way, you’re the one who must write back,” Lincoln says.

“You’re kind of perfect, huh?” I tease him.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance