Page 206 of One Hot Summer

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“That’s a secret. Don’t tell anyone else that.”

“I’ll never tell anyone about the secrets we shared. I’ll keep them with me forever, Lincoln.”


At the end of that night, we went out to the bar so we could dance the night away. Though, my heart was telling me I was sure I’d never see him again, I did what Lincoln kept swearing by, and lived for the moment.

It was the best moment of all moments I had yet experienced.

I said goodbye to Lincoln as we went to our respective hotel rooms, knowing how hard it would be in the morning while leaving so early.

After the last kiss, and the last long gaze, living for the moment felt like the worst idea ever.

He wasn’t there to remind me that it was better to have lived than to have missed out.

I knew better than to fall for a man so quickly.

Now, I’m trying to forget him. It was only two days of my life.

Though, some things can’t be forgotten.



I continue to look all around, taking in all the moments around us. I spot Keller sitting in the fourth row back, smiling at Grace. He’s imagining his future with her and it makes my heart happy for them.

Someday, I’ll have that.

Someday, I’ll be loved the same way.

I glance over to the other side of chairs, Rex’s side. My heart stops when I see someone smiling at me—someone I haven’t seen in almost a month. Someone who might love me someday.

Lincoln is here, and I did not invite him. He has written me letters every single day since I left Cabo San Lucas. He understood why I couldn’t say goodbye, which made me want to respond to each of his letters. However, not once did he mention being invited to the wedding, or crashing it, if that’s what he’s doing.

He waves at me with two fingers, smiles his heart out at me and points to his eyes, then to Grace because I’m not paying attention to the ceremony that began.

The ceremony is quick unlike Grace and Rex’s heated kiss. The crowd is cheering and whistling and a few are clearing their throats, but as if Grace needed to set a record, the second she decided it was time to end the kiss, she threw her arms up in the air, holding Rex’s hand in her left hand as if she won something special. She did.

“We’re married!” she shrieks.

In true Grace fashion, they rush the aisle, and disappear through the doors at the end. Macy follows, receiving a wink from Keller as she walks by. As for me, I follow Macy, but when I walk by Lincoln, I grab his hand and pull him to my side as we continue toward the door. The moment we’re out of sight, I spin him around and loop my arms around his neck, thanking him with my lips. “You didn’t tell me,” I mutter against our kiss.

“Grace swore me to secrecy,” he mutters back.

“I’ll have to have a talk with her after her honeymoon.”

“I got a job in Boston,” he says, lifting me at my waist and spinning me around. “So, can I ask you to be my girl now that I can date you?”

The choky feeling will not subside, and a couple of tears spill from my eyes because my heart has never felt so full as it does right this second. I nod my head, yes, squeezing my arms around him even tighter. “That rock really did a number on us, but I’m glad our secret is out now.”

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