Page 136 of Jordyn's Army

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“Well, you know what they say…When in Rome…” I shrug. “Or in our case Nashville,” I add as I join the others.

I take advantage of the delicious spread and pile my plate full of goodies. I am munching on a French fry when the next surprise is knocking on our door.

“Oh yay! Just on time!” I squeal as I jump up.

I head to the door to open it and let in the stylists with two racks of dresses. White wedding dresses to be exact.

“Tadaaa! Our costumes for tonight!” I tell the questioning faces excitedly! “We are going to paint the town white!” I say with a wink.

“Are these wedding dresses?” Hannah asks.


“Oh, how fun!” Mackenzie says as she claps her hands together.

“I thought it would be fun to dress up in a wedding dress and match them with our new boots and just go around Broadway and see where the night takes us! What do you guys think?”

“I think,” Mikaela says as her fingers peruse the dresses on one of the racks. “That I, as the bride have first pick!”



I’ve been having a hard time focusing on any work today. Phoenix has only left earlier today, but knowing that she won’t be waking up next to me has me all out of sorts. And frankly, that annoys the crap out of me. I didn’t think I’d ever be like them. Like Mika, Drew, Ashton, Ben, and Eric. I have been making fun of them for years. Completely and utterly obsessed—there isn’t another word for it—with their respective women. That was definitely never going to be me. Yet here I am, completely at the mercy of Phoenix Kingsley. My PK, my goddess. She is simultaneously the most infuriating and most incredible human being I have ever encountered and I cannot think of anyone more perfect than her. There is a knock at my office door. I don’t even have to bother looking up to know who it is since the door swings open before I can even answer.

“They have only been gone six hours Mika. They have landed, they are fine,” I tell him in lieu of a greeting.

“They’ve been gone for seven hours and forty-three minutes. But who’s counting?”

I finally look up, unable to hide my amusement as I reply; “Yeah, clearly you’re not counting.”

“There is a psychopath on the loose, and they are nine-hundred miles away. I am going to worry.”

“I am keeping tabs on daddy dearest,” I assure him. “The second he makes a move; we will know it.”

“I know you are doing what you can, but that man is genius when it comes to shit like this.”

“And I am a genius about pretty much everything. Between our collective brain power and your resources, Mason Kingsley is no match for us. They’ll be fine, I am sure you sent a small army of bodyguards; besides the ones they know about.”

He shrugs, not even bothering to deny the fact that he has another team of security watching over the girls while they are in Nashville. I shake my head and chuckle. Mika raises a brow.

“Are you going to tell me that you have not checked their location status at least a couple times since they left?” He challenges.

I’ve checked it at least a dozen times, but fuck if I’m going to admit that shit to him.

“Not a single time.”

“See? This is why you’d never win at our poker games, you’re a terrible liar and your poker face is abysmal at best,” Eric, who’s just joined us in my office says.

I laugh, because well, that shit is funny, cause it’s true.

“Fine, I might have checked a couple of times,” I admit. “Is that all you wanted?”

“Actually, we were all talking…”

“Who’s we?” I interrupt.

“Drew, Ben, Ashton, Eric and myself,” Mika answers.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance