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“Good. Did everything go okay for you today?”

“Took care of it all. I’m now employed at Gus, Valo, and Honeybun, LLC.” I giggle at the title.

“That sounds like a bad law firm.” Gus finally stops eating for a moment.

“Only because your name is in it. Valo and Honeybun, LLC flows better and sounds more reputable, I think.”

“Yeah, because of Honeybun, Finny.” I shake my head at his silliness and put a few more items on their plates. “Stop looking at me like that. I already ate.” I cut a mean look at Valo. I know what the look is because he’s concerned.

“And it was the same thing we’re eating? Not an apple and a banana?”

“No, ass. I treated myself to a taco today on my way back through town. So, I ate that.” I stick my tongue out at him as if I’m a small child.

Valo shakes his head with a smile. “Grab a fork and help me eat this anyway. That taco probably stuffed you, but I’m sure you can find more room.”

“No. Gus can help you. I need to start some laundry. Do you have a game tonight?”

“Nope. I’m all yours.”

“Sweet. What about you, Gus? Big plans tonight?”

“Yes. My Xbox One and I have a date with Call of Duty. She’s the only woman that gets me.”

Gus playing video games. I can see that. “For some reason, I understand that statement.”

As the boys finish eating lunch and relaxing, I shuffle through the house and do laundry, pick up the kitchen, clean all the dishes, and feed Honeybun. I don’t even realize how fast the time sped by. I head upstairs when I notice Valo isn’t in the living room anymore.

“So, what do you have planned for us this evening?” I sit on the bed. “If it’s sex, I’m overdressed.” I love the look on his face as I bluntly throw out the topic of sex.

“We’re turning on Friends and hanging out right here. That’s it.”

“Wait? Really?” My interest is piqued as his plans process through my head.

“Really. Simple and nice night.”

I kiss him. “This had been a perfect day. I don’t think I’ve ever had a day like this before.”

“Well, get used to it, Jade. You’re going to have a lot more like it.”

“I can’t wait.”

We start at the beginning of Friends and I can’t stop laughing at the site of Rachel Green in a wedding dress. We watch a couple episodes and then we both change and I wear the same thing as I did last night, just a t-shirt. I’m hoping it works tonight. I’m horny as fuck and I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.

I get under the covers of the softest bed that exists on the planet and snuggle down into it.

“Are you asleep?” Valo comes in and I look up at him.

He has to have the hottest body of any hockey player. He’s wearing a pair of boxers, but his hard chest catches my eyes. He’s cut and his abs are strong. His arms are big, and even though they look hard, they’re comforting.

Fuck, I need him.

“No, I’m wide awake.” I push the covers away and get up on my knees. “I’m very, very much awake.”

“Are you?” Valo looks me up and down. He wants this as much as I do. He can pretend all he wants, but he’s a guy, and I can see it in his eyes.

“Yes.” I grab the bottom of my shirt and take it off.

Valo groans and looks down.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance