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“Tell me you don’t want it. I’ll put the shirt back on, and we can go back to watching TV.” I wait for a moment, but he says nothing.

I walk on my knees to him and pull at the top of his boxers. I slide my hand in and begin to stroke his semi-hard penis. It doesn’t take long before he has a fully hard erection in my hand. Valo groans, but grabs my wrist.

“I’m not just going to fuck you.”

“Okay, do you want me to blow you or?”

“Stop.” He softly covers my mouth with his hand. “I’m not some guy you met five minutes ago, and you’re not some stripper. Stop acting like I’m ordering something off a menu. I’m yours and you’re mine. I’m going to treat you the way you should be treated. Okay?”

If this was any other guy, I would have kicked him square in the nuts and ran away, but the intensity in Valos’ blue eyes is turning me on.

I nod and he drops his hand.

“Lie back,” he commands me softly and I do.

Valo removes his boxers and I see him fully. My body shakes and I’m ready for him. He starts kissing me. His lips are soft and he puts a lot of emotion into the way his tongue plays inside my mouth. Normally, I’m not that big into kissing. It’s the forceful sex I want, but Valo…he’s different. His lips are turning me on as much as his hard dick poking my thigh is.

Valo’s fingers begin to pull at my nipples, and I have to pull away from his lips. I moan and Valo kisses my neck and licks me lower until he reaches my other breast. He nips at me and I feel my insides quiver.

What the fuck is that? That doesn’t happen to me.

He continues to work me and I think I am on the verge of losing it at his sucking on my nipples, but he leaves

them and kisses down my stomach and then each of my thighs.


I hate when guys go down there. They don’t know what the hell they’re doing. I swear I need to get a tattoo that says: push here, lick there, suck this, and thrust in. Then again, that probably wouldn’t work either.

I get ready to do my pretend orgasm and I feel a little bad because Valo has been doing so well. Maybe I could convince him to skip this part and fuck me. I’m about to open my mouth when I feel his tongue lick me.

I stop and my mouth drops when he slides in two fingers and begins to thrust into me. I moan and it isn’t fake as he sucks me. He softly bites and I arch my back trying to get closer to his mouth.

Holy shit. He has me so close. Already? Is that possible?

Yes, it is, is my last thought as he sucks me hard and I grab his hair, rocking my hips harder.

“Valo,” I pant his name as relief fills me as the orgasmic wave rushes over me. When I release his hair, he kisses each of my thighs and all the way up to my lips. I grab his neck and kiss him harder, tasting myself on his lips.

“I’m not done with you.”

“I hope not.” I can hardly breathe.

Valo rolls over to his nightstand and grabs a condom. I take it from his hand and put in on myself. He watches my hands as I make sure that it’s secure. Valo flips me on my back again and thrusts in.

“Yes!” I yell out as he fills me up. He rocks back out and pushes in. Each movement gives me a different sensation of pleasure.

He whispers something in my ear. I don’t fucking care what he said, but it was sexy, and I want more of him. I wrap my legs around his hips and pull him closer to me. He is the first guy who isn’t slamming into me each time. It’s a smooth, persistent penetration and I don’t think I’ve ever felt this before. I know I hadn’t because I’m ready to find my second release.

Valo is still whispering in my ear and I’m still moaning his name until my body can’t take it anymore, and I find what I’d been craving.

It isn’t the sex.

It’s Valo.

His blue eyes are staring at me and I can see all the ecstasy in them.

Holy shit. What just happened?

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance