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“If you miss it, I can start doing it again.”

“No, I don’t miss that at all.”

“Good.” I smile. “Let’s give your brother the all clear and go watch TV.” I start to get up, but Brody reaches out for me. Looking over my shoulder, I give him my attention.

“Selene,” he begins tentatively. “I-” His voice falters on that one word. Brody is struggling terribly with this mess. Who wouldn’t?

“You don’t have to say anything, Brody,” I tell him softly.

“I need to,” he obje


“No, you don’t. I already know, so don’t feel like you need to verbally tell me.” I turn to give him a kiss. “I’m happy you’re here with me, Brody.”

Chapter Eighteen


The one place where I should feel the happiest, on the ice, is the one place I don’t want to be at right now. I want to be with Selene, holding her, and forgetting about everything going.

“Hey, Meatball, you want to focus on practice? Or are you dreaming of bunnies and rainbows?” Kris smirks at me.

“Yep, rainbows and sunshine are exactly what I’m thinking of right now,” I say sarcastically.

“Then focus.” He slaps me on the back and skates off.

He’s right. I need to focus. My personal life isn’t going to mess me up on the ice. I’m not going to allow that. I join my teammate and get ready to run drills.

Practice goes smoothly, even though I have to keep the rookies in line a bit. I stay in the hot shower a little longer than I should after lifting some weights with Kris. I want to get home to hang out with my brother, but then again that would mean I would have to face the looming fact that Jessica could be pregnant with my child. I shake my head in disbelief. I know that I used a condom, and there’s no way that she is. I feel it in my gut that she isn’t going to have my baby. Selene is the one I want to have my child.

I stop and stand straight up in the shower. Did I just think that? Is that what I really want? Yes, I can say that I love Selene, but do I see a future like that, with kids and marriage?

No? Maybe? Oh, shit, what the hell am I thinking? I shut the shower off and head back into the locker room. I quickly get dressed and head home. I don’t even bother saying goodbye to anyone. I want to be home and figure out what is happening in my head.

I walk into my house, and fall, face first, onto my couch cushion. The past few months begin to run through my head. Selene, hockey, Jessica, and even Bonkers, have changed me so much. I want the change to be with Selene and only her. I roll off the couch and grab my phone from my pocket. I scroll through until I find the number to my lawyer.

“Hey, Brody,”

I don’t let him finish. “Do we know anything yet?”

“No, I haven’t received anything.”

“Shit.” I run my hands through my hair. “Do me a favor? Get whoever you need to and get confirmation that she’s pregnant. I need to know this as soon as possible.”

“Brody, what’s the rush?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because some evil person is trying to ruin my life and extort money from me. Maybe that’s the rush?” My blood is boiling now. How dare he ask me such a childish question? He should understand why I’m angry and in a rush to end this whole situation.

“Fine, I’ll find out as soon as I can and call you back.” He disconnects the call, and I almost throw my phone across the room. I only want someone to prove to me that she isn’t carrying my child, and that I won’t have to have her in my life anymore.

“Who pissed in your cheerios?” I turned to see Bradley and Selene standing in the doorway.

I groan. “My stupid ass lawyer hasn’t gotten any proof yet whether Jessica’s knocked up or not.”

I see the sadness in Selene’s eyes immediately. I’m such an ass. I’m not thinking about her, not the way I should be. I need to do something to make it up to her. I should show her how much I care about her and make a night about her.

“Hey, bro, why don’t you and I go have some brotherly time?” Bradley asks.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance