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I think it can be.

Because the love I feel for him is the forever kind.

The kind that can stand the test of time. He’s my shark mate, and I don’t ever want to let him go.

I smile wide as I think about heading to LA, showing up at his place, and kissing him madly.

“You do such a good job here,” Mr. Henderson says, breaking me from my daydream.

“Thanks,” I say. “But I think I’m quitting.”

Mr. Henderson’s smile drops. “What? No.”

With my mind made up, I give him a quick nod. “Yep, I quit.” I grab the duster I was using on his TV. “Don’t worry though. April will send someone new over.”

I leave his house and hop into my Jeep, ready to tell Fender exactly how I feel.

Chapter 16


* * *

Thoughts of kidnapping Rachel flit through my mind for about five minutes before I realize it will never work. Obviously.

Every day I think about some new way I can convince my girl to move to LA with me.

Since I’ve been home, it’s been a whirlwind of activity. Rehearsals. Fittings. New gym hours to get into shape for the movie. So many things have kept me busier than a bee. Yet, I can’t seem to stop thinking about Rachel.

About making a life with her.

The other thing that has happened since I’ve been home is the paparazzi still follow me everywhere.

And anywhere.

It gets old, quickly.

I return home to my one-bedroom apartment and hang my keys on the ring just inside my front door. The loneliness I feel swallows me whole.

I think I’ve been lonely my whole life, always searching for my other half and never finding her. Until Rachel.

I’ve picked up my phone many times to call her, but I always chicken out. Even though every part of me wants her here, there’s a bigger part of me that wants to be back in Alaska with her.

Sure, I’ve dreamed of becoming a big star in Hollywood and living the glamorous life, but honestly, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Having the paparazzi up my ass all day, every day, makes me realize this isn’t what I want.

What I want is Rachel.

What I need is her.

And if she must stay in Alaska to take care of her father and sister, then I’ll be in Alaska too.

“What do you mean you want to quit?” Emmett asks. “You can’t quit. You have so many movie producers lined up, wanting you for their films.”

I scrub a hand down my jaw. “I get that, but my heart’s not in it. I think it never left Alaska.”

Emmett stares at me for a minute before realizing I’m not changing my mind. “She must be pretty special.”

I smile. “She is. Obviously, I’ll finish the movie I’m contracted for, but after that I quit.”

Emmett stands and shakes my hand. “If you ever change your mind.”

“I won’t.”

I leave his office and run smack into the woman who started this whole thing. Trinity herself.

She appears different. Like being with her was over a century ago. It’s funny how those things work.

“Trinity,” I say to her as her entourage glares at me through fake lashes.

“Fender, what are you doing here?” She raises a quizzical brow.


“Can we talk?” She glances over her shoulder at her friends and then stares at me.

Every bone in my body wants to deny her request. I’ve got more important things to do, like winning back Rachel.

Trinity doesn’t really give me a chance to answer as she pulls me away from her little gang of ‘yes’ girls.

“I’ve missed you, Fender. Don’t you miss me?” She bats her long lashes at me.

I chuckle. “Well, actually...” I spot the exit, and inch closer to it.

“My record went multi-platinum. Any man in the world would be lucky to have me.” She parks a hand on her hip.

“That’s great.” I inch even closer to the door leading to the outside.

“Fender, I’m trying to talk to you,” she screeches, gaining the attention of some passerbys in the office. “Don’t you want me?”

I stare at her, wondering how on earth I had ever really wanted her. Rachel’s blue eyes pop into my head and I smile, thinking I need to get to Alaska before she’s moved on and forgotten all about me. “No. Trinity, I don’t want you.” I walk away from her, heading toward the exit, then glance back at her from over my shoulder. “Oh, and Trinity, call off your fans, or I’ll tell my side of the story.” I wink. “You wouldn’t want me to do that, right?”

She looks like she could start a fire with her eyes right now. I almost laugh as I head outside, and breathe in deeply. I’ve got a plane to catch.

Chapter 17


* * *

“Deep breaths,” Joanie says. “You’ll be ok.”

“I’ve never been on a plane before. What if it crashes?” I start to panic.

Tags: Logan Chance Romance